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Social Context of Late Medieval and Early Modern Deforestation Periods in the Apuseni Mountains (Romania) based on an Integrated Evaluation of Historical and Paleobotanical Records
Environmental Archaeology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.1080/14614103.2021.1942744
Gusztáv Jakab 1 , Ilona Pál 2 , Lóránd Silye 3 , Pál Sümegi 4 , Attila Tóth 5 , Balázs Sümegi 4 , József Pál Frink 6 , Enikő Katalin Magyari 2, 7 , Zoltán Kern 8 , Elek Benkő 9


Coeval changes in the reconstructed bog surface wetness and the pollen record of a peat sequence extracted from an ombrothropic bog (Calul de Piatră, 1630 m, Apuseni Mountains) allowed the natural and anthropogenic environmental changes over the past 1500 years to be assessed. The assessment of the social and economic context was also possible due to the exceptionally detailed documentary evidence of the investigated region. Four major deforestation periods in the past 1500 years were identified. Significant phases of deforestation coincided with particular social and political changes: (1) between AD 810 and 850, with the collapse of the Avar Khaganate and the expansion of the Bulgarian Empire in the southern areas of the Carpathian Basin; (2) between AD 1060 and 1170, with the establishment of the Kingdom of Hungary (AD 1000) and the foundation of royal, territorial administrative (county) and ecclesiastical centres of the feudal state; (3) in the sixteenth century (AD 1500–1570); and (4) after AD 1700, with population growth and economic development. Our results suggest that the observed deforestation and the consequent spread of subalpine farming were not necessarily related to the warmer or drier climatic periods, but to socioeconomic changes in nearby communities.




重建的沼泽地表湿度的同期变化以及从人类沼泽(Calul de Piatră,1630 m,Apuseni Mountains)中提取的泥炭序列的花粉记录可以评估过去 1500 年的自然和人为环境变化。由于调查地区有异常详细的文件证据,对社会和经济背景的评估也是可能的。确定了过去 1500 年来的四个主要森林砍伐时期。森林砍伐的重要阶段与特定的社会和政治变化同时发生:(1)公元810年至850年间,随着阿瓦尔汗国的崩溃和保加利亚帝国在喀尔巴阡盆地南部地区的扩张;(2) 公元1060年至1170年间,随着匈牙利王国的建立(公元1000年)以及封建国家皇家、领土行政(县)和教会中心的建立;(3) 十六世纪(公元1500-1570年);(4)公元1700年以后,随着人口的增长和经济的发展。我们的研究结果表明,所观察到的森林砍伐和随之而来的亚高山农业的蔓延不一定与温暖或干燥的气候时期有关,而是与附近社区的社会经济变化有关。
