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New bounds on guarding problems for orthogonal polygons in the plane using vertex guards with halfplane vision
Theoretical Computer Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2021.06.012
Ovidiu Daescu , Hemant Malik

Given a set F of k disjoint monotone orthogonal polygons with a total of m vertices, we present bounds on the number of vertex guards required to guard the free space and the boundaries of the polygons in F when the range of vision of each guard is bounded by 180 (the region in front of the guard). When the orthogonal polygons are axis aligned we prove that m2+k4+4 vertex guards are always sufficient. When the orthogonal polygons are arbitrary oriented, we show that m2+k+1 vertex guards are sometimes necessary and conjecture the bound is tight.



给定一个由k 个不相交的单调正交多边形组成的集合F,总共有m个顶点,当每个守卫的视野范围有界时,我们给出了保护自由空间所需的顶点守卫数量和F 中多边形的边界的界限由 180 (守卫前面的区域)。当正交多边形轴对齐时,我们证明2+4+4顶点保护总是足够的。当正交多边形是任意方向时,我们证明2++1 顶点保护有时是必要的,并且推测边界很紧。
