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Ichthyological ethnoknowledge of the “piabeiros” from the Amazon region, Brazil
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-29 , DOI: 10.1186/s13002-021-00468-7
Daniel da Silva Ladislau 1 , Maiko Willas Soares Ribeiro 2 , Philip Dalbert da Silva Castro 3 , Jackson Pantoja-Lima 4 , Paulo Henrique Rocha Aride 5 , Adriano Teixeira de Oliveira 5

The capture of ornamental fish is one of the main economic activities of riverine families in the Amazon. However, studies regarding the local ecological knowledge of workers in this activity are still incipient. In view of this, we have studied and explored the local ecological knowledge of artisanal fishers who specialize in the capture of fish for the aquarium trade in the middle part of the Negro River basin and investigated issues related to the ecological aspects of the fish species that are targeted by this trade in the region. Therefore, we conducted semi-structured interviews and applied questionnaires to artisanal fishers of ornamental fish (N = 89), from the municipality of Barcelos, from January to April 2016. In total, 41 popular names were cited, which correspond to four ethnocategories and 10 families. The main species were Paracheirodon axelrodi (12.5%), Hemigrammus bleheri (8.3%), Ancistrus dolichopterus (6.4%), Symphysodon discus (5.3%), and Potamotrygon motoro (3.8%). According to the fishers, the species of fish known in the region as “piabas” have a preference for living in clusters (28.9%) and carry out migratory movements (26.1%). The diet of local fish species reported by fisheries is diverse, though mainly based on periphyton (42.2%), and the reproductive cycle directly influenced by the period of flooding of rivers in the region (37.6%) Our study revealed that the fishers possess information on the ecological aspects of local ornamental fish species, many of which are consistent with scientific literature. The information presented may assist in the decision-making process for the management of local fishery resources and contribute to the resumption of growth and sustainability in the capture of ornamental fish.



观赏鱼的捕捉是亚马逊河沿岸家庭的主要经济活动之一。然而,有关这项活动中工人当地生态知识的研究仍处于起步阶段。有鉴于此,我们研究和探索了内格罗河流域中部专门为水族贸易捕获鱼类的手工渔民的当地生态知识,并调查了与该鱼种的生态方面相关的问题,是该地区贸易的目标。因此,我们于 2016 年 1 月至 4 月对巴塞洛斯市的观赏鱼手工渔民(N = 89)进行了半结构化访谈和问卷调查。总共引用了 41 个流行名称,分别对应于四个民族类别和10个家庭。主要种类为Paracheirodon axelrodi(12.5%)、Hemigrammus bleheri(8.3%)、Ancistrus dolichopterus(6.4%)、Symphysodon discus(5.3%)和Potamotrygon motoro(3.8%)。据渔民称,该地区被称为“piabas”的鱼类喜欢集群生活(28.9%)并进行洄游活动(26.1%)。渔业报告的当地鱼类的饮食多种多样,但主要以附生生物为主(42.2%),而繁殖周期直接受该地区河流泛滥时期的影响(37.6%)。我们的研究显示,渔民拥有信息当地观赏鱼种的生态方面,其中许多与科学文献一致。所提供的信息可能有助于当地渔业资源管理的决策过程,并有助于观赏鱼捕捞的恢复增长和可持续性。