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Understanding Influences of Development on Black Women’s Success in U.S. Colleges: A Synthesis of Literature
Review of Educational Research ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.3102/00346543211027929
Christa J. Porter 1 , Janice A. Byrd 2

The purpose of this study was to illuminate how and to what extent Black women’s developmental processes have influenced their success within their respective U.S. college environments. Crenshaw’s three dimensions of intersectionality guided our analysis. We synthesized 38 peer-reviewed articles and interpreted five themes: (a) navigating the educational matrix, (b) sense of belonging, (c) perceptions of (lack of) institutional support, (d) living and learning at the margins while combating stereotypes, and (e) need for counterspaces and counternarratives. Implications of our findings include expanding definitions of student success, intersectionality and identity development, and equity-driven institutional practices.



这项研究的目的是阐明黑人女性的发展过程如何以及在多大程度上影响了她们在各自美国大学环境中的成功。克伦肖的三个交叉性维度指导了我们的分析。我们综合了 38 篇同行评审文章并解读了五个主题:(a) 在教育矩阵中导航,(b) 归属感,(c) 对(缺乏)机构支持的看法,(d) 在与刻板印象,以及 (e) 需要反空间和反叙事。我们的研究结果的含义包括扩大学生成功的定义、交叉性和身份发展,以及公平驱动的制度实践。
