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Nymphal feeding habits of two Anacroneuria species (Plecoptera, Perlidae) from Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Journal of Limnology ( IF 1.673 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-05 , DOI: 10.4081/jlimnol.2018.1858
Yesely M. Hurtado , Cesar E. Tamaris-Turizo , Manuel J. López Rodriguez , J. Manuel Tierno de Figueroa

The knowledge of the diet of aquatic insects is important to assess the use of resources and overlap of trophic niche between species, as well as to understand their role in the food web of the freshwater ecosystems they inhabit. This is particularly necessary in tropical areas where information on this topic is scarce. The aim of the present work is to describe the feeding habits of the species Anacroneuria marta Zuniga & Stark, 2002 and A. caraca Stark, 1995 in the middle section of the Rio Gaira (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia). We sampled nymphs on three dates during the rainy and dry seasons in two major different microhabitats of the reach (leaf accumulations and gravel) in 2014. The nymphal diet of a total of 87 and 90 individuals of A. caraca and A. marta, respectively, was studied. With this information, niche breadth for each species and niche overlap between them in terms of trophic resources were calculated. The major trophic resource for both species in the dry and rainy season was the invertebrate animal matter. In the dry season, fine particulate organic matter was also important in the diet of A. caraca, and A. marta ingested a large quantity of coarse particulate organic matter in the rainy season. Larvae of Trichoptera were the most ingested prey in both species, followed by larvae of Chironomidae, Coleoptera Hydrophilidae, and nymphs of Ephemeroptera. No differences in diet between both species were detected, so this could favor niche overlap in terms of trophic resources and could lead to competition between them. The possible ecological scenarios are discussed.


来自哥伦比亚圣玛尔塔内华达山脉的两种 Ancroneuria 物种 (Plecoptera, Perlidae) 的若虫摄食习性

水生昆虫饮食的知识对于评估资源的使用和物种之间营养生态位的重叠,以及了解它们在它们栖息的淡水生态系统食物网中的作用非常重要。这在有关该主题的信息稀缺的热带地区尤为必要。本工作的目的是描述 Anacroneuria marta Zuniga & Stark, 2002 和 A. caraca Stark, 1995 在 Rio Gaira (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia) 中部的摄食习性。2014 年,我们在雨季和旱季的三个日期对河段的两个主要不同微生境(树叶堆积和砾石)中的若虫进行了采样。 总共 87 只和 90 只 A. caraca 和 A. marta 的若虫饮食,进行了研究。有了这些信息,计算了每个物种的生态位宽度和它们之间在营养资源方面的生态位重叠。这两个物种在旱季和雨季的主要营养资源是无脊椎动物。在旱季,细颗粒有机物在 A. caraca 的饮食中也很重要,而 A. marta 在雨季摄入了大量的粗颗粒有机物。毛翅目幼虫是这两个物种中摄入最多的猎物,其次是摇蚊科、鞘翅目亲水科的幼虫和蜉蝣目若虫。没有检测到两个物种之间的饮食差异,因此这可能有利于营养资源方面的生态位重叠,并可能导致它们之间的竞争。讨论了可能的生态情景。