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Telling impressions: Breuil's 1929 visit to rock art and Stone Age sites near Kimberley, South Africa
Quaternary International ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2021.06.020
David Morris

Stone Age and rock art sites that Breuil would visit near Kimberley, South Africa, during and after the 1929 conference of the British and South African Associations for the Advancement of Science, were amongst the first he would see in Africa. Breuil's published observations and an autobiographical account afford a keyhole view on his initial thoughts with hints of ways these would develop, alongside and in relation to the perspectives of contemporaries. The roles of Breuil's field and editorial helpers are highlighted for the insights they provide on his modus operandi. Pratt's concept of ‘discursive polyphony’ is advanced as a useful frame for understanding the range of shifting perspectives that are entangled in these histories. Opportunities are sought, in discussion, to reflect on the Breuil legacy in light of subsequent work in the region.


印象深刻:布勒伊 1929 年访问南非金伯利附近的岩石艺术和石器时代遗址

在 1929 年英国和南非科学促进协会会议期间和之后,布勒伊将访问南非金伯利附近的石器时代和岩石艺术遗址,这是他在非洲看到的第一批遗址。布勒伊发表的观察和自传叙述提供了一个关于他最初想法的关键观点,并暗示了这些想法将与同时代人的观点一起并与之相关的发展方式。突出了布勒伊的领域和编辑助手的作用,因为他们对他的作案手法提供了见解. 普拉特的“话语复调”概念作为一个有用的框架被提出来,用于理解纠缠在这些历史中的转变视角的范围。在讨论中寻求机会根据该地区随后的工作反思布勒伊遗产。
