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Relieve the H0 tension with a new coupled generalized three-form dark energy model
Physics of the Dark Universe ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dark.2021.100852
Yan-Hong Yao , Xin-He Meng

In this work we propose a new coupled generalized three-form dark energy model, in which dark energy are represented by a three-form field and dark matter are represented by point particles that can be regarded as dust. We first perform a dynamical analysis on the new model and obtain four fixed points, including a saddle point representing a radiation dominated Universe, a saddle point representing a matter dominated Universe, and two attractors representing two dark energy dominated Universes. We then use the observational data, including cosmic microwave background (CMB) data, baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) data, and Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) data to constrain the model parameters of the coupled generalized three-form dark energy model. For comparison, we also consider the coupled three-form dark energy model, generalized three-form dark energy model, and ΛCDM model, we find that parameters α and β in the coupled generalized three-form dark energy model are essential for such model to reduce the H0 tension to a more acceptable level, with H0=70.11.5+1.4 km/s/Mpc, which is consistent with R19 at 2.0σ confidence level. However, analysis with Akaike information criterion (AIC) show that the coupled generalized three-form dark energy model is least supported by CMB, BAO, and SN Ia datasets since the model have more free parameters, analysis also show that the ΛCDM model is most supported by CMB, BAO, and SN Ia datasets although it leads to a strongest H0 tension. We also investigate the best-fit dynamical behavior of the coupled generalized three-form dark energy model, and show that our model is equivalent to a quintom dark energy model, in which dark energy, at early epoch, behaves like some form of early dark energy with a small positive equation of state.


缓解 H0 一种新的耦合广义三形式暗能量模型的张力

在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的耦合广义三形式暗能量模型,其中暗能量用三形式场表示,暗物质用可以看作是尘埃的点粒子表示。我们首先对新模型进行动力学分析并获得四个不动点,包括代表辐射主导宇宙的鞍点、代表物质主导宇宙的鞍点和代表两个暗能量主导宇宙的两个吸引子。然后我们使用观测数据,包括宇宙微波背景(CMB)数据、重子声波振荡(BAO)数据和Ia型超新星(SN Ia)数据来约束耦合广义三形式暗能量模型的模型参数。为了比较,我们还考虑了耦合的三形式暗能量模型,ΛCDM模型,我们发现参数 αβ 在耦合广义三形式暗能量模型中对于这种模型减少 H0 紧张到一个更可接受的水平,与 H0=70.1-1.5+1.4 km/s/Mpc,与2.0的R19一致σ置信水平。然而,用 Akaike 信息准则(AIC)分析表明,由于模型具有更多的自由参数,CMB、BAO 和 SN Ia 数据集最不支持耦合广义三形式暗能量模型,分析还表明ΛCDM 模型最受 CMB、BAO 和 SN Ia 数据集支持,尽管它导致最强 H0紧张。我们还研究了耦合广义三形式暗能量模型的最佳拟合动力学行为,并表明我们的模型等效于 quintom 暗能量模型,其中暗能量在早期阶段表现得像某种形式的早期暗能量能量与一个小的正状态方程。
