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Explicating and framing Dewantara's conduct pragmatism as a pragmatist philosophy of education
Journal of Philosophy of Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-27 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9752.12574
Setiono Sugiharto 1

This article is an attempt to resuscitate and explicate Ki Hadjar Dewantara's pragmatist philosophy of education expressed in a famed slogan in Indonesia's local Javanese vernacular: Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, Ing Madya Mangun Karso and Tut Wuri Handayani (which literally mean ‘set up a model’, ‘create an intention’ and ‘provide constructive support’, respectively). Amid the banality of prevalent experiential and lingualist pragmatisms in the pragmatist philosophy of education, this article argues that Dewantara's philosophy of education typifies a specific form of conduct pragmatism, which has been deemed underdeveloped and underexplored in the modern philosophy of education. An explication of Dewantara's pragmatist philosophy—with its strong emphasis on action rather than on rationalist and experiential thoughts—can not only fill this void but can also contribute to, and offer valuable insights into contemporary philosophical investigation in the field of education. On the face of the argument above, the article demonstrates that conduct pragmatism is alive and kicking, at least in the Indonesian context.



这篇文章试图复兴和解释 Ki Hadjar Dewantara 实用主义的教育哲学,这在印度尼西亚当地爪哇语的一句著名口号中表达出来:Ing Ngarsa Sung TuladhaIng Madya Mangun KarsoTut Wuri Handayani(字面意思分别是“建立模型”、“创造意图”和“提供建设性支持”)。在实用主义教育哲学中普遍存在的经验主义和语言实用主义的平庸之际,本文认为,德万塔拉的教育哲学代表了一种特定形式的行为实用主义,这种形式在现代教育哲学中被认为是不发达和探索不足的。对 Dewantara 实用主义哲学的阐释——强调行动而不是理性主义和经验主义的思想——不仅可以填补这一空白,还可以为当代教育领域的哲学研究做出贡献,并提供有价值的见解。面对上述论点,文章表明行为实用主义是活生生的,