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Finding a job after unemployment—education as a moderator of unemployment scarring in Norway and German-speaking Switzerland
Socio-Economic Review ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-22 , DOI: 10.1093/ser/mwaa056
Lulu P Shi 1 , and Valentina Di Stasio 2

Using data collected with a factorial survey experiment in Norway and Switzerland, we analyze how employers react to unemployment spells when screening job applications. Our focus is on whether unemployment scarring varies depending on the applicants’ level of education and the duration and timing of the unemployment spell. We find unemployment scars of similar size in the two countries. Interestingly, education moderates the strength of unemployment scarring: in the Swiss context, graduates from vocational education and training (VET) programs are the most severely affected by unemployment, even years after regaining employment; this is not the case in Norway. We contribute to the unemployment scarring literature and to comparative scholarship on school-to-work transitions by exposing a trade-off of dual VET systems, which are known to provide a safety net from unemployment. Our findings show that these same systems can cause scars that are particularly long-lasting to VET graduates who fall into unemployment.



使用在挪威和瑞士进行的析因调查实验收集的数据,我们分析了雇主在筛选工作申请时对失业情况的反应。我们的重点是失业疤痕是否因申请人的教育水平以及失业期的持续时间和时间而异。我们在这两个国家发现了类似规模的失业疤痕。有趣的是,教育减轻了失业疤痕的强度:在瑞士,职业教育和培训 (VET) 项目的毕业生受失业影响最严重,即使在重新就业多年后也是如此;在挪威,情况并非如此。我们通过揭示双重职业教育与培训系统的权衡,为失业疤痕文学和从学校到工作过渡的比较奖学金做出贡献,众所周知,它们可以为失业提供安全网。我们的研究结果表明,这些相同的系统可能会给陷入失业的职业教育与培训毕业生造成特别持久的伤疤。