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‘Rains Come from the Gods!’: Anthropocene and the History of Rainmaking Rituals in Zimbabwe with Reference to Mberengwa district, c. 1890–2000
South African Historical Journal ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.1080/02582473.2021.1937688
Tinashe Takuva 1


This article explores the history of rainmaking rituals in Zimbabwe from 1890 to 2000. Beyond Africans’ relationship with nature, the history of rainmaking rituals shows how religion was a powerful political tool used by the chieftaincy to influence and control the subjects. The paper argues that the rainmaking institution was a powerful tool to try and control nature through propitiating ancestors and ultimately worked in favour of the chieftaincy to control their subjects. The perceived control of rainfall through rainmaking rituals benefitted not only the chieftaincy but the greater part of the community by providing reassurance and a sense of comfort. The rainmaking institution, and the rituals, show the way Africans related with nature. The culture–nature relationship is revealed in the places where rain rituals took place, the ingredients used, and the belief that nature was the provider. Over a longue durée, different political hierarchies at various levels, from clan to chieftaincy, have utilised the rainmaking institution to monitor and control their subjects. In the process, societies developed a sophisticated view of nature and observed various prohibitions.


“雨水来自诸神!”:人类世和津巴布韦造雨仪式的历史,参考 Mberengwa 区,c。1890-2000 年


本文探讨了 1890 年至 2000 年津巴布韦降雨仪式的历史。除了非洲人与自然的关系之外,降雨仪式的历史还展示了宗教如何成为酋长用来影响和控制臣民的强大政治工具。这篇论文认为,造雨机构是一个强大的工具,可以通过安抚祖先来尝试和控制自然,并最终有利于酋长控制他们的臣民。通过造雨仪式对降雨的感知控制不仅使酋长受益,而且通过提供安心和舒适感使社区的大部分人受益。造雨机构和仪式展示了非洲人与自然的关系。文化与自然的关系在雨祭发生的地方显露出来,所使用的成分,以及大自然是提供者的信念。在漫长的时间里,从氏族到酋长的各个级别的不同政治等级都利用造雨机构来监视和控制他们的臣民。在这个过程中,社会形成了一种复杂的自然观,并遵守了各种禁令。
