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“You only go from what you know”: the reproduction, resistance and evolution of gendered recruitment and selection processes in English sport governance
European Journal for Sport and Society ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-26 , DOI: 10.1080/16138171.2021.1941613
Lucy V. Piggott 1


Within this article I draw upon Bourdieu’s theory of practice to explore the extent to which recruitment and selection processes within two English national governing bodies of sport (NGBs) reproduce or resist dominant gender power relations that privilege men and masculinity. I present and analyse findings collected through a multi-method qualitative approach of semi-structured interviews with female and male leaders and participant observation. I found that some processes aligned with existing research in the field, while others demonstrated evolving practices that have not previously been reported within the literature. This provided a chance to analyse why some gendered practices continue to be reproduced and/or resisted across different spaces, places, and times, as well as assess the extent to which changing practices are positively impacting upon gender equity within the leadership and governance of the two organisations. Whilst there were different findings across the two NGBs linked to differences in their histories, structures, and resources, I highlight the requirement for the implementation of innovative ways to transform androcentric organisational patterns of value that continue to impede gender equity within sport leadership and governance.




在本文中,我利用 Bourdieu 的实践理论来探讨两个英国国家体育管理机构 (NGBs) 的招聘和选拔过程在多大程度上复制或抵制了赋予男性和男子气概的主导性别权力关系。我介绍和分析通过对女性和男性领导者进行半结构化访谈和参与观察的多方法定性方法收集的结果。我发现一些过程与该领域的现有研究相一致,而另一些过程则展示了以前未在文献中报道过的不断发展的实践。这提供了一个机会来分析为什么一些性别实践在不同的空间、地点和时间继续被复制和/或抵制,并评估不断变化的做法在多大程度上对两个组织的领导和治理中的性别平等产生了积极影响。虽然两个 NGB 的不同发现与其历史、结构和资源的差异有关,但我强调需要实施创新方法来改变以男性为中心的组织价值模式,这些模式继续阻碍体育领导和治理中的性别平等。
