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“The ice has gone”: Vernacular meteorology, fisheries and human–ice relationships on Sakhalin Island
Polar Record ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s0032247421000127
Nadezhda Mamontova

This paper examines vernacular weather observations amongst rural people on Sakhalin, Russia’s largest island on the Pacific Coast, and their relationship to the ice. It is based on a weather diary (2000–2016) of one of the local inhabitants and fieldwork that the author conducted in the settlement of Trambaus in 2016. The diary as a community-based weather monitoring allows us to examine how people understand, perceive and deal with the weather both daily and in the long-term perspective. Research argues that amongst all natural phenomena, the ice is the most crucial for the local inhabitants as it determines human subsistence activities, navigation and relations with other environmental forces and beings. People perceive the ice as having an agency, engage in a dialogue with it, learn and adjust themselves to its drifting patterns. Over the past decade, the inability to predict the ice’s behaviour has become a major problem affecting people’s well-being in the settlement. The paper advocates further integrating vernacular weather observations and their relations with natural forces into research on climate change and local fisheries management policies.



本文研究了俄罗斯太平洋沿岸最大岛屿萨哈林岛农村居民的本土天气观测结果,以及他们与冰的关系。它基于一位当地居民的天气日记(2000-2016 年)以及作者 2016 年在 Trambaus 定居点进行的实地调查。该日记作为基于社区的天气监测,使我们能够检查人们如何理解、感知并从日常和长期的角度处理天气。研究认为,在所有自然现象中,冰对当地居民来说是最重要的,因为它决定了人类的生存活动、航行以及与其他环境力量和生物的关系。人们认为冰有一个机构,与它进行对话,学习并调整自己以适应它的漂移模式。在过去的十年中,无法预测冰的行为已成为影响定居点人们福祉的主要问题。该论文主张进一步将乡土气象观测及其与自然力的关系纳入气候变化和地方渔业管理政策的研究。