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Nudging down household electricity usage during peak hours with small monetary rewards
Energy & Environment ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-25 , DOI: 10.1177/0958305x211025689
Miyoung Lee 1 , Daehwan Kim 2

Two recent studies highlight the potential of a demand response (DR) program as a tool to manage peak-hour electricity consumption by households. Households in these studies respond to the offer of financial rewards or an appeal to the sense of civic duty and significantly reduce electricity consumption during declared peak hours. Due to the small number of peak events included in these studies, however, a question remains whether households will continue to respond to repeated calls to action over a long span of time. We analyze a demand response program of Gangwon Province, South Korea, called “Electricity Piggy Bank” where the incentive offered was in the form of small monetary reward together with an appeal to social consciousness. The program tracked the electricity usage of about 2,000 households over one-year period during which peak events were declared once a week. We find significant reduction in electricity usage during declared peak hours and, more importantly, no decay of effects over time. The magnitude of electricity savings during peak hours is no less than the one reported for the previous financial-incentive-based DR, suggesting that offering small monetary rewards together with pro-social stimuli can be a viable alternative to a financial-reward-oriented scheme.



最近的两项研究强调了需求响应 (DR) 计划作为管理家庭高峰时段用电量的工具的潜力。这些研究中的家庭对提供的经济奖励或对公民责任感的呼吁做出反应,并在宣布的高峰时段显着减少电力消耗。然而,由于这些研究中包含的高峰事件数量很少,因此家庭是否会在很长一段时间内继续响应重复的行动呼吁仍然是个问题。我们分析了韩国江原道的一个需求响应计划,称为“电力存钱罐”,其中提供的激励措施是小额金钱奖励和对社会意识的呼吁。该程序跟踪了大约 2 的用电量,一年内有 000 户家庭,在此期间每周宣布一次高峰事件。我们发现在宣布的高峰时段用电量显着减少,更重要的是,随着时间的推移,影响没有衰减。高峰时段的节电幅度不低于之前基于财务激励的 DR 报告的节电量,这表明提供小额金钱奖励和亲社会刺激可以成为财务奖励导向计划的可行替代方案.
