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Non-dualism: Vedāntic and Āgamic (Advaita as Expounded by Śaṅkara and Abhinavagupta)
Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s40961-021-00242-w
Godabarisha Mishra , Haramohan Mishra

Śaṅkara’s Brahma-advaita-vāda and Abhinavagupta’s Śiva-advaita-vāda are well-known non-dualistic systems in Indian philosophy.1In Advaitavedānta, Brahman-Ātman is the sole reality, and there is unanimity about the fact that all the Upaniṣads speak of an attribute-less non-dual reality that is consciousness, existence and bliss. In Trika, Paramaśiva is the only reality with the nature of sat, cit and ānanda.2 This non-dual reality is self-luminous (sva-prakaśa) in both the schools. Both the schools, in different ways, accept the world as an appearance. In Advaitavedānta, the world-illusion is a superimposition on Brahman whereas according to Trika, the world is a spontaneous self-projection of Paramaśiva. Both the systems agree that there is total identity between individual self and the Absolute, ajñāna as the cause of bondage, and jñāna as the means to self-realization. Jīvanmukti as the state of complete freedom and realization of one’s unity with the ultimate reality have been accepted in both the schools. The focus of this paper is to dwell upon the concept of non-dualism (Advaita) from the Trika angle as enunciated by Abhinavagupta and Advaitavedānta as propounded by Śaṅkara. Abhinava has envisaged a non-dualistic dimension of consciousness with the inclusion of prakāśa and vimarśa, which means that within the format of non-dualism, Trika accepts a second in the form of Śakti without compromising the non-dualistic dimension of the school whereas Śaṅkara’s Advaitic non-dualism has no space for anything other than the self, i.e., Brahman-Ātman.


非二元论:吠陀和 Āgamic(由 Śaṅkara 和 Abhinavagupta 阐述的 Advaita)

Śaṅkara 的Brahma - advaita -vāda 和 Abhinavagupta 的Śiva - advaita - vāda是印度哲学中著名的非二元体系。1在 Advaitavedānta 中,Brahman-Ātman 是唯一的实相,并且一致认为所有的 Upaniṣads 都谈到一个无属性的非二元实相,即意识、存在和极乐。在 Trika 中,Paramaśiva 是唯一具有satcitānanda性质的实相。2这个非二元实相是自发光的(sva-prakaśa) 在两所学校。两所学校都以不同的方式接受世界的表象。在 Advaitavedānta 中,世界幻觉是对婆罗门的叠加,而根据 Trika,世界是 Paramaśiva 的自发自我投射。这两个系统都认为有个人自我和绝对之间总的身份阿坚那是束缚的原因,智者为手段,以自我实现。吉万木提作为完全自由的状态和实现与终极现实统一的状态已被两派所接受。本文的重点是从阿比纳瓦古塔 (Abhinavagupta) 和 Śaṅkara 提出的 Advaitavedānta 阐述的 Trika 角度详述非二元论 (Advaita) 的概念。Abhinava 设想了一个包含prakāśa 和 vimarśa的非二元意识维度,这意味着在非二元论的形式中,Trika 接受了 Śakti 形式的第二个维度,而不会损害学校的非二元维度,而 Śaṅkara 的Advaitic非二元论除了自我之外没有任何空间,即Brahman-Ātman。
