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Corynexochine trilobites of the Harkless Formation and Mule Spring Limestone (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4), Clayton Ridge, Nevada
Journal of Paleontology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-25 , DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2021.41
Frederick A. Sundberg , Mark Webster

Most Cambrian Series 2 faunas of Laurentia are dominated by olenelline trilobites; however, non-olenelline trilobites occur with the olenellines and sometimes dominate the assemblages. Reported here are such non-olenelline trilobites from the Harkless Formation and Mule Spring Limestone at Clayton Ridge, Nevada. At the bottom of the Saline Valley Tongue, Harkless Formation, are two assemblages that are characterized by corynexochines and/or ptychoparioids, with olenellines occurring as only rare components. The corynexochines present in these assemblages include Bonnia cf. B. brennus (Walcott, 1916), Ovatoryctocara cf. O. yaxiensis Yuan et al., 2009, Protoryctocephalus? aff. P.? arcticus Geyer and Peel, 2011, Ogygopsis sp. indet., and Oryctocephalops frischenfeldi Lermontova, 1940. These assemblages are from the mid-Dyeran Stage, below the lowermost zone in the upper Dyeran (Arcuolenellus arcuatus Biozone), and can be correlated to Series 2 Stage 4 (Cambrian) assemblages in Greenland, Siberia, and South China based on the corynexochines.Also in the Saline Valley Tongue and the overlying Mule Spring Limestone and lowermost Emigrant Formation are olenelloid-dominated assemblages that contain the corynexochines Bonnia columbensis Resser, 1936, Zacanthopsis aff. Z. levis (Walcott, 1886), and Z. sp. indet.


Harkless 地层和骡泉石灰岩的棒状三叶虫(寒武纪系列 2,第 4 阶段),内华达州克莱顿岭

Laurentia 的大多数寒武纪系列 2 动物群以油橄榄三叶虫为主;然而,非油菜线三叶虫与油菜线一起出现,有时在组合中占主导地位。这里报道的是来自内华达州克莱顿岭的 Harkless 组和 Mule Spring 石灰岩的非油橄榄线三叶虫。在 Saline Valley Tongue 的底部,Harkless 组是两个以棒状体和/或 ptychoparioids 为特征的组合,其中 olenellines 仅作为稀有成分出现。这些组合中存在的棒状体包括邦尼亚参看。.布伦努斯(沃尔科特,1916 年),卵蚧参看。.崖西袁等人,2009,原头目? 亲。.?北极星盖尔和皮尔,2011,八卦属sp。和弗里申费尔迪鲸头目Lermontova, 1940。这些组合来自 Dyeran 中期中期,位于 Dyeran 上部最下部区域下方(圆弧菌Biozone), 并且可以与格陵兰、西伯利亚和华南基于棒状体的系列 2 第 4 期 (寒武纪) 组合相关联。 同样在盐谷舌和上覆的骡泉石灰岩和最下部的迁移地层中, 也是以螺线体为主的组合含有corynexochines哥伦比亚波尼亚雷瑟,1936 年,毛茛属植物亲。Z.李维斯(沃尔科特,1886 年),以及Z. sp。索引。