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Reparative justice: The final stage of decolonization
Punishment & Society ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-24 , DOI: 10.1177/14624745211024342
Biko Agozino 1

Taking inspiration from Neo-colonialism: the last stage of imperialism, by Kwame Nkrumah of the thesis by Lenin that Imperialism (is) the highest stage of capitalism, I postulate that reparative justice is the final stage of decolonization (Nkrumah 1968). Based on the argument in Counter-Colonial Criminology that imperialism is the general form of all types of deviance in the sense that all acts of deviance seek to invade and colonize the private and public spaces of others, I conclude that reparative justice programs addressing the legacies of crimes committed by empires and corporations would signal the final stages of decolonization. Contrary to the conventional assumptions in criminology that poverty and powerlessness are the major causes of deviance, I suggest that power, not powerlessness, is a more significant cause of all deviance by the powerful and by the relatively powerless alike because the relatively powerless prey on those even more powerless in the community while the majority of the poor remain overwhelmingly law abiding and the rich get away with bloody murder, as Steve Box and Jeffrey Reiman theorized (Box, 1993; Reiman and Leighton, 2020). Accordingly, the preferred societal response to deviance should be reparative rather than punitive justice in keeping with the decolonization paradigm in criminology and justice towards a more humane world devoid of immigration control, repressive policing, the prison-industrial complex, racism-sexism-imperialism, militarism, homophobia, the war on drugs, capital punishment, homelessness, illiteracy, and without state power as class domination to make way for the principles of taking from all according to their abilities and giving to all according to their needs (Pfohl, 1994).



从新殖民主义:帝国主义的最后阶段中汲取灵感,Kwame Nkrumah 在列宁的论文中认为帝国主义(是)资本主义的最高阶段,我假设补偿性正义是非殖民化的最后阶段(Nkrumah 1968)。基于反殖民犯罪学的论点帝国主义是所有类型越轨行为的一般形式,因为所有越轨行为都试图入侵和殖民他人的私人和公共空间,我的结论是,解决帝国和公司所犯罪行遗留问题的补偿性司法计划将表明非殖民化的最后阶段。与犯罪学中贫困和无权是越轨的主要原因的传统假设相反,我认为权力,而不是无权,是导致有权势者和相对无权者所有越轨行为的更重要原因,因为相对无权者会捕食那些正如史蒂夫·博克斯和杰弗里·赖曼所推论的那样,在大多数穷人仍然遵守法律的情况下,在社区中更加无能为力,而富人则通过血腥谋杀逍遥法外(Box,1993;Reiman 和 Leighton,2020 年)。因此,社会对越轨行为的首选反应应该是补偿性而非惩罚性正义,以符合犯罪学和正义中的非殖民化范式,以建立一个没有移民控制、压制性警务、监狱-工业综合体、种族主义-性别歧视-帝国主义、军国主义、仇视同性恋、禁毒战争、死刑、无家可归、文盲和没有国家权力作为阶级统治,为根据自己的能力从所有人那里获取并根据他们的需要给予所有人的原则让路(Pfohl,1994) .
