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Double-threshold permutation graphs
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s10801-021-01029-7
Robert E. Jamison , Alan P. Sprague

Double-threshold graphs are defined in terms of two real thresholds that break the real line into three regions, alternating as NO-YES-NO. If real ranks can be assigned to the vertices of a graph in such a way that two vertices are adjacent iff the sum of their ranks lies in the YES region, then that graph is a double-threshold graph with respect to the given set of thresholds. We demonstrate that all double-threshold graphs are permutation graphs. As a partial converse, we show that every bipartite permutation graph has a balanced double-threshold representation. That is, the vertices with negative rank form one part of the bipartition, those with positive rank the other part.



双阈值图是根据两个实际阈值定义的,这些阈值将实际线分成三个区域,交替为 NO-YES-NO。如果可以将实际秩分配给图的顶点,使得两个顶点相邻且仅当它们的秩和位于 YES 区域时,则该图是关于给定阈值集的双阈值图. 我们证明所有双阈值图都是置换图。作为部分相反,我们表明每个二分置换图都有一个平衡的双阈值表示。也就是说,负秩的顶点构成二分的一部分,正秩的顶点构成另一部分。
