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Southwestern Collection
Southwestern Historical Quarterly ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-25

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Southwestern Collection

We extend our thanks to all of you who participated in the 125th Annual Meeting of the Texas State Historical Association, which was held virtually from February 17 to March 6, 2021. Although this meeting was a great departure from the norm, much also proceeded more or less as usual. One of those aspects was in the fellowships and awards distributed at the meeting, and we will note the winners in this issue's edition of the Southwestern Collection.

The 126th Annual Meeting of the Texas State Historical Association is scheduled to take place in person at the AT&T Hotel and Conference Center at the University of Texas at Austin, February 24–26, 2022. [End Page 74]

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The University of Texas campus, photographed by Alfred T. Palmer sometime between 1940 and 1946. Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress).

[End Page 75]


The Texas State Historical Association offers several fellowships to support scholarship, and the recipients are announced at every annual meeting. The editors of the Southwestern Historical Quarterly congratulate this year's winners.

Mary Jon and J. P. Bryan Leadership in Education Awards are given annually to recognize two outstanding history educators, one each at the K-12 and college levels. The K-12 winner was Rebecca Richardson of Allen High School and the college level winner was Patricia Richey of Jacksonville College. The Lawrence T. Jones III Research Fellowship in Civil War Texas History was awarded to Norris White Jr. for "Defending Dixie: Slave Labor Impressment in Texas during the American Civil War, 1861–1865." The Texas State Library and Archives Commission Research Fellowship in Texas History was split between Marc A. Molina for "20th Century Environmental Change in the Tamaulipan Mezquital," Bobby Cervantes for "Las Colonias: The Housing of Poverty in Modern Americas," and Leroy Myers Jr. for "Other Indians and Freedmen: The Legacy of Black Migration in Oklahoma, 1840–1907." James Harkins won the Cecilia Steinfeldt Fellowship for Research in the Arts and Material Culture with "A Landed Interest: Maps of the Texas General Land Office." The selection for the John H. Jenkins Research Fellowship in Texas History was Philis M. Barragán Goetz's "The Borderlands of Inclusivity: Jovita González and the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement." The same proposal was selected for the Ellen Clarke Temple Research Fellowship in Texas Women's History. Kelsey Jennings Roggensack won the Mary M. Hughes Research Fellowship in Texas History with "Texas Traditions in the African American West, 1910–1950." "From West Texas to the World: Chicana/o Activist Print Culture and Social Transformation" was Joel Zapata's winning proposal for the Catarino and Evangelina Hernández Research Fellowship in Latino History.


At every Annual Meeting, the Texas State Historical Association honors significant contributions to historical scholarship on the Lone Star State with numerous awards. The editors of the Southwestern Historical Quarterly extend our congratulations to the following recipients.

The Coral Horton Tullis Memorial Prize for Best Book on Texas History was won by Miguel Ángel González-Quiroga for War and Peace on the Rio Grande Frontier, 1830–1880 (University of Oklahoma Press, 2020). A book from the same publisher won the Al Lowman Memorial Prize for Best Book on Texas County or Local History, Glen Sample Ely's Murder in Montague: Frontier Justice and Retribution in Texas (University of Oklahoma [End Page 76] Press, 2020). Gregg Cantrell's The People's Revolt: Texas Populists and the Roots of American Liberalism (Yale University Press, 2020) received the Kate Broocks Bates Award for Historical Research, which is given annually for a significant piece of historical research dealing with any phase of Texas history prior to 1900. The recipient of the Liz Carpenter Award for the best scholarly book on the history of women and Texas was Agent of Change: Adela Sloss-Vento, Mexican American Civil Rights Activist and Texas Feminist (University of Texas Press, 2020) by Cynthia E. Orozco. The remaining prize for book publications, the Ron Tyler Award for Best Illustrated Book on Texas History and Culture was awarded to Barrie Scardino Bradley's Improbable Metropolis: Houston's Architectural...




  • 西南收藏

我们向参加德克萨斯州历史协会第 125 届年会的所有人表示感谢,该年会实际上于 2021 年 2 月 17 日至 3 月 6 日举行。虽然这次会议与常规有很大不同,但也进行了更多或像往常一样少。其中一个方面是在会议上分发的奖学金和奖项,我们将在本期西南收藏中注明获奖者。

德克萨斯州历史协会第 126 届年会定于 2022 年 2 月 24 日至 26 日在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的 AT&T 酒店和会议中心亲自举行。[End Page 74]


德克萨斯大学校园,由 Alfred T. Palmer 于 1940 年至 1946 年间拍摄。农场安全管理局 - 战争信息照片收藏办公室(国会图书馆)

[结束第 75 页]



Mary Jon 和 JP Bryan 教育领导奖每年颁发一次,以表彰两位杰出的历史教育家,K-12 和大学水平各一位。K-12 的冠军是艾伦高中的丽贝卡理查森,大学级别的冠军是杰克逊维尔学院的帕特里夏里奇。Lawrence T. Jones III 德克萨斯内战历史研究奖学金授予 Norris White Jr. 以“捍卫迪克西:1861 年至 1865 年美国内战期间德克萨斯州的奴隶劳工印象”。德克萨斯州图书馆和档案委员会德克萨斯历史研究奖学金由 Marc A. Molina 的“塔毛利潘梅斯基塔尔的 20 世纪环境变化”、Bobby Cervantes 的“Las Colonias:现代美洲的贫困住房”和 Leroy Myers 分配Jr. 代表“其他印第安人和自由民:



米格尔·安赫尔·冈萨雷斯-基罗加(Miguel Ángel González-Quiroga)因里奥格兰德边境的战争与和平,1830 年至 1880 年(俄克拉荷马大学出版社,2020 年)获得了 Coral Horton Tullis 德克萨斯历史最佳书籍纪念奖。来自同一出版商的一本书获得了德克萨斯县或地方历史最佳图书的 Al Lowman 纪念奖,Glen Sample Ely's Murder in Montague: Frontier Justice and Retribution in Texas(俄克拉荷马大学[第 76 页]出版社,2020 年)。格雷格·坎特雷尔 (Gregg Cantrell)的人民反抗:德克萨斯民粹主义者和美国自由主义的根源(耶鲁大学出版社,2020 年)获得了凯特·布鲁克斯·贝茨历史研究奖,该奖每年颁发一次,以表彰对 1900 年之前德克萨斯州历史任何阶段的重要历史研究。Liz Carpenter 最佳学术奖获得者关于妇女和德克萨斯历史的书是变革的代理人:Adela Sloss-Vento,墨西哥裔美国民权活动家和德克萨斯女权主义者(德克萨斯大学出版社,2020 年),作者为 Cynthia E. Orozco。图书出版的剩余奖项,罗恩泰勒德克萨斯历史和文化最佳插图图书奖被授予巴里斯卡迪诺布拉德利的不可能的大都市:休斯顿的建筑...
