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History of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway by Keith L. Bryant and Fred W. Frailey (review)
Southwestern Historical Quarterly ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-25
Theresa A. Case

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Reviewed by:

  • History of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway by Keith L. Bryant and Fred W. Frailey
  • Theresa A. Case
History of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway. By Keith L. Bryant and Fred W. Frailey. ( Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2020. Pp. 432. Illustrations, notes, bibliographic essay, index.)

History of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway is now available in a new edition that elevates and expands the original volume, first published [End Page 104] in 1974 by Keith L. Bryant Jr. The 2020 version, with the help of the same abundance of maps (twenty) and illustrations (eighty-seven), delineates the business history of the ATSF. Its chief addition is an examination of the period 1970 to 1995, when, one might assume (wrongly), circumstances would have doomed the railroad.

Like the earlier version, the new edition should have a broad readership. Railroad nostalgists will appreciate the attention to the ATSF's distinctive features: its long association with Harvey House eateries and the Native American motifs that dominated its advertising campaigns, for example. Businesspeople may delight in various dramatic accounts, such as the one about the railway's machinations, legally and on the ground physically, to secure a route into New Mexico via Ratón Pass, or, more recently, about the bidding war and unexpected boardroom clash that accompanied the ATSF's merger with the Burlington Northern Railroad. Students of Texas history will value its in-depth descriptions of the railway's extension into the High Plains, Panhandle, eastern and central regions, and Gulf Coast.

The authors make a convincing case for the ATSF's unique character, namely, its leaders' largely successful efforts to maintain the system's independence, the railway's relatively positive popular reputation (compared to the Southern Pacific), and its tradition of judiciousness on the financial front. Bryant and Frailey combine biographical sketches of ATSF officials with thorough explanations as to how each one made a mark on the railroad's development. The new section on the ATSF's final twenty-five years highlights, for instance, president Michael Haverty's significant expansion of the railway's intermodal business and the highly strategic cost-cutting measures of Robert Krebs. The preface to the first edition promises attention to the relationship between the ATSF and the towns and cities it served. In this edition's telling, the symbiosis was mutually beneficial, as the ATSF contributed to the Southwest's booming population and economy, while the proceeds from passenger ticket sales and freight traffic in cotton, coal, timber, cattle, the hard red wheat of Mennonite farmers, and oil allowed the ATSF to invest in modern equipment, new construction, improved locomotive design, and diesel technology.

While they claim that the book is not an "official" history (xvi), Bryant and Frailey rely heavily on the ATSF's massive corporate archives. They do not reference recent scholarship, like Richard White's Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America (W. W. Norton, 2011), which questions the depiction of railway giants as a civilizing, progressive force. Likewise, although one stated aim is to relate ATSF "managers and workers" beyond "numbers and names" (xvi), ATSF employees are largely anonymous, marginal actors in their story. Far more ink is spent on the décor of parlor cars and railroad-owned hotels, the evolution of steam engines, and elegant Harvey House menu items than on the experiences and perspectives of the workers who made the wheels turn. The chapter [End Page 105] on dieselization devotes pages to the evolution and fate of machinery but only one paragraph to the mortal blows that diesel dealt many railroad towns. In other words, although the book acknowledges the ATSF's managerial missteps, it conveys the world of the ATSF chiefly from the vantage point of its executives, who saw "loyal" employees and abandoned roundhouses in the periphery of their vision and Populists and unionists as noisy, deluded obstacles in their path. One hopes the corporate archives are open to historians who wish to move beyond Bryant and Frailey and seek to understand the broader human dimensions of the ATSF story.

Theresa A. Case University of Houston-Downtown Copyright © 2021 The Texas State Historical Association...


艾奇逊、托皮卡和圣达菲铁路的历史,作者 Keith L. Bryant 和 Fred W. Frailey(评论)



  • 艾奇逊、托皮卡和圣达菲铁路的历史,作者 Keith L. Bryant 和 Fred W. Frailey
  • 特蕾莎 A. 凯斯
艾奇逊、托皮卡和圣达菲铁路的历史。作者:Keith L. Bryant 和 Fred W. Frailey。(林肯:内布拉斯加大学出版社,2020 年。第 432 页。插图、笔记、书目论文、索引。)

艾奇逊,托皮卡和圣菲的历史Ë铁路现已推出新版本是提升和扩大原有的体积,首次公布[尾页104]由Keith L.科比小2020年版于1974年,借助同样丰富的地图(二十张)和插图(八十七张)描绘了 ATSF 的商业历史。它的主要补充是对 1970 年至 1995 年期间的考察,人们可能(错误地)认为,当时的情况注定了铁路的发展。

与早期版本一样,新版本应该有广泛的读者群。铁路怀旧者会欣赏对 ATSF 独特特征的关注:例如,它与 Harvey House 餐馆的长期联系以及主导其广告活动的美洲原住民图案。商人可能会喜欢各种戏剧性的叙述,例如关于铁路在法律上和地面上的诡计,以确保通过 Ratón Pass 进入新墨西哥州的路线,或者最近关于伴随而来的竞购战和意外的董事会冲突ATSF 与伯灵顿北部铁路公司的合并。德克萨斯历史的学生将重视它对铁路延伸到高原、狭长地带、东部和中部地区以及墨西哥湾沿岸的深入描述。

作者为 ATSF 的独特性质提供了令人信服的理由,即其领导人在很大程度上成功地维护了系统的独立性、铁路相对积极的大众声誉(与南太平洋相比)以及其在金融方面的明智传统。Bryant 和 Frailey 将 ATSF 官员的传记草图与关于每个人如何在铁路发展中留下印记的详尽解释相结合。例如,关于 ATSF 最后 25 年的新部分重点介绍了总裁 Michael Haverty 对铁路多式联运业务的显着扩张以及 Robert Krebs 的高度战略性成本削减措施。第一版的序言承诺关注 ATSF 与其服务的城镇之间的关系。

虽然他们声称这本书不是“官方”历史 (xvi),但 Bryant 和 Frailey 严重依赖 ATSF 庞大的公司档案。他们没有参考最近的学术研究,比如理查德怀特的铁路:横贯大陆和现代美国的形成(WW Norton,2011),它质疑将铁路巨头描述为文明、进步的力量。同样,虽然一个明确的目标是将 ATSF 的“经理和工人”联系起来,而不是“数字和姓名”(xvi),但 ATSF 员工在他们的故事中主要是匿名的边缘角色。花在会客车厢和铁路酒店的装饰、蒸汽机的发展和优雅的 Harvey House 菜单项目上的墨水,远多于让车轮转动的工人的经验和观点。[结束第 105 页]关于柴油化的篇幅是关于机械的演变和命运,但只有一段讲述柴油对许多铁路城镇造成的致命打击。换句话说,虽然这本书承认了 ATSF 的管理失误,但它主要从其高管的角度传达了 ATSF 的世界,他们认为“忠诚的”员工和他们视野外围的废弃圆屋以及民粹主义者和工会主义者是嘈杂的,迷惑了他们前进的道路上的障碍。人们希望企业档案对希望超越布莱恩特和弗雷利并寻求了解 ATSF 故事更广泛的人性层面的历史学家开放。

Theresa A. Case University of Houston-Downtown 版权所有 © 2021 德克萨斯州历史协会...
