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Biogas technology as an ‘engine’ for facilitating Circular Bio-Economy in Denmark - The case of Lolland & Falster Municipalities within Region Zealand
Frontiers in Energy Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-25 , DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.695685
Rikke Lybæk , Tyge Kjær

This paper investigates how biogas technology can facilitate the deployment of municipal circular bio-economic solutions within the energy and agrarian sectors in Denmark. The emphasis is on regional climate policy and existing biogas technology concepts, within a decentralized energy market located in the Southern part of Zealand. The case analysis will identify how such technology can be utilized as a lever for future ‘extraction-activities’, as for example protein, wax and furfural substrates. Within Falster & Lolland Municipalities, it is identified that 800.000 tons of animal manure is readily available for biogas production, just as 880.000 tons and 220.000 tons of unused beet tops and residual cereal straw could be feed to biogas facilities as for example co-silage materials. With a potential gas yield of approximately 897.000 MWh, composed by the crop residues alone, the challenge is how to utilize such resources the most efficient when addressing future needs for bio-products and high value materials and energy. Through the lens of Circular Bio-Economy (CBE) this paper addresses three themes, by which biogas technology can become an ‘engine’ for future bioenergy solutions, where cascading activities and use of side-streams are developed; a) production of biogas by means of local agricultural residues (beet tops, residual straw and animal manure), combined with b) ‘extraction-activities’ as furfural and wax from straw, as well as protein from beet tops. Besides this c) opportunities for upgrading the biogas and distribute it on a natural gas network, hereby enlarging the supply market for energy services from the biogas plant and facilitate development of a more ‘integrated energy system’, currently being promoted by the European Commission. The paper concludes on a step-by-step approach to utilize biomass residues more efficiently in the light of the CBE concept and cascading approach, and the available biomass resources within the specific case area addressed.


沼气技术作为促进丹麦循环生物经济的“引擎”——以新西兰地区的 Lolland & Falster 市为例

本文研究了沼气技术如何促进丹麦能源和农业部门内市政循环生物经济解决方案的部署。重点是位于新西兰南部的分散能源市场内的区域气候政策和现有的沼气技术概念。案例分析将确定如何将此类技术用作未来“提取活动”的杠杆,例如蛋白质、蜡和糠醛底物。在 Falster & Lolland 市内,确定有 800.000 吨动物粪便可用于沼气生产,正如 880.000 吨和 220.000 吨未使用的甜菜顶部和残留的谷类秸秆可以作为共同青贮材料作为沼气设施. 潜在的气体产量约为 897.000 MWh,仅由作物残留物组成,面临的挑战是如何在满足未来对生物产品和高价值材料和能源的需求时最有效地利用这些资源。通过循环生物经济 (CBE) 的视角,本文讨论了三个主题,通过这些主题,沼气技术可以成为未来生物能源解决方案的“引擎”,其中开发了级联活动和侧流的使用;a) 通过当地农业残留物(甜菜根、剩余秸秆和动物粪便)生产沼气,结合 b) “提取活动”,如从秸秆中提取糠醛和蜡,以及从甜菜根中提取蛋白质。除此之外 c) 升级沼气并将其分配到天然气网络的机会,从而扩大沼气厂能源服务的供应市场,并促进欧盟委员会目前正在推动的更“综合能源系统”的发展。根据 CBE 概念和级联方法,以及特定案例区域内的可用生物质资源,本文总结了一种更有效地利用生物质残留物的分步方法。