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Citizenship Stripping, Fair Procedures, and the Separation of Powers: A Critical Comment on Damache v Minister for Justice
Modern Law Review ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-24 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-2230.12648
Conor Casey

Damache v Minister for Justice concerned a constitutional challenge to section 19 of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956. This section outlined the statutory process the executive branch, acting through the Minister for Justice, had to follow before revoking a certificate of naturalisation. The appellant successfully argued this process was an unconstitutional breach of fair procedures. The judgement will be of interest both to Irish and other public lawyers for its treatment of fair procedures, which the Supreme Court approached in a regrettably blinkered way – seeing only one constitutional principle when several others were at stake. The judgment is a stark reminder for both Irish and comparative lawyers of the fact that the concrete demands of fair procedures must be balanced with a range of competing institutional goods and principles equally important to constitutional democracies: from administrative efficiency to structural principles stemming from the separation of powers.


公民剥夺、公平程序和权力分立:对 Damache 诉司法部长的批判性评论

Damache v司法部长涉及对 1956 年《爱尔兰国籍和公民身份法》第 19 节的宪法挑战。该节概述了行政部门通过司法部长行事,在撤销入籍证书之前必须遵循的法定程序。上诉人成功辩称,这一程序违反了公平程序,违宪。该判决将引起爱尔兰和其他公共律师的兴趣,因为它处理公平程序,最高法院以一种令人遗憾的方式来处理公平程序——当其他几条原则处于危险之中时,只看到一项宪法原则。