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‘Siento que el inglés esta tumbando mi español’: A transfronteriza child’s embodied critical language awareness
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2021.1942429
Idalia Nuñez 1


For many minoritized communities, sustaining or at least holding on to their home language and cultural identity has been a constant uphill battle. Nevertheless, Latina/o/x who speak Spanish, for example, have demonstrated to be linguistically and culturally resilient against hegemonic societal, institutional, political, and monolithic national ideologies. This article explores a single case study of a Latina transfronteriza child’s embodied critical language awareness. Merging Critical Language Awareness and Chicana Feminist Theory, the findings demonstrate how a Latina child makes sense of linguistic hierarchies, language loss, and how she challenges deficit perspectives imposed on her home language by relying on her senses and feelings. The article concludes by offering ways to understand and support critical language awareness with Latina/o/x students that stems from knowledge rooted in the brown body and their lived experience.


“Siento que el inglés esta tumbando mi español”:跨界儿童体现的批判性语言意识


对于许多少数族裔社区而言,维持或至少保持其母语和文化身份一直是一场艰苦的战斗。尽管如此,例如说西班牙语的拉丁裔/o/x 人已经证明在语言和文化上具有抵抗霸权社会、制度、政治和单一民族意识形态的能力。本文探讨了一个拉丁裔跨界儿童体现的批判性语言意识的单一案例研究。结合批判性语言意识和奇卡纳女权主义理论,研究结果展示了拉丁儿童如何理解语言等级、语言损失,以及她如何依靠自己的感官和感觉来挑战强加于母语的缺陷观点。
