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Foreign body ingestion: understanding the implications
Frontline Gastroenterology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-01 , DOI: 10.1136/flgastro-2021-101847
Max Henderson 1, 2 , Simon M Everett 3

Foreign body ingestion is a challenging clinical presentation familiar to most gastroenterologists. In this edition of Frontline, Yadollahi et al report on a large series of such patients in their tertiary referral centre in Southampton.1 The authors describe an increasing incidence of foreign body ingestions over a 5-year period, discuss the outcomes of endoscopic management and relate the anticipated burden of this increasing presentation on staff and resources in their hospital. This is a welcome and detailed addition to the small body of literature on the subject. The episodes of foreign body ingestion described by the authors of this article (who are all clinical gastroenterologists) are acts of self-harm. Terms such as ‘parasuicide’ and ‘deliberate self-harm’ have been superseded by this now preferred term. Foreign body ingestion is a small subset of such behaviours—the most common being overdose and cutting. Young people who self-harm have a substantially increased risk of adverse non-fatal and fatal outcomes, including suicide, compared with those who do not, yet most episodes of self-harm never result in a medical presentation. In a survey of adults from England aged 16–74 years, the prevalence of self-reported lifetime non-suicidal self-harm increased from 2.4% in 2000 to 6.4% in 2014, most notably in females aged 16–24 years, in whom prevalence increased to 19.7% in 2014.2 The reasons behind this remain unclear. Self-harm is a complex behaviour and represents the final common pathway of a number of upstream risk factors. It can be a presentation of …



异物摄入是大多数胃肠病学家所熟悉的具有挑战性的临床表现。在本期《前线》中,Yadollahi 等人报告了南安普敦三级转诊中心的一系列此类患者。1 作者描述了 5 年来异物摄入发生率不断增加的情况,讨论了内窥镜治疗的结果以及讲述这种日益增加的表现给医院的工作人员和资源带来的预期负担。这是对有关该主题的少量文献的欢迎和详细补充。本文作者(均为临床胃肠病学家)描述的异物摄入事件属于自残行为。 “自杀”和“故意自残”等术语已被现在更受欢迎的术语所取代。异物摄入只是此类行为的一小部分——最常见的是过量和切割。与那些不自残的年轻人相比,自残的年轻人发生不良非致命和致命后果(包括自杀)的风险大大增加,但大多数自残事件从未导致医疗报告。在一项针对英国 16-74 岁成年人的调查中,自我报告的终生非自杀性自残的发生率从 2000 年的 2.4% 上升到 2014 年的 6.4%,尤其是 16-24 岁的女性,其中2014 年,患病率增至 19.7%。2 其背后的原因尚不清楚。自残是一种复杂的行为,代表了许多上游风险因素的最终共同路径。它可以是……的演示。