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Self-Lowering as Power and Trap: Wawa, ‘White’, and Peripheral Embrace of State Formation in Indonesian Papua
Oceania ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1002/ocea.5310
Rupert Stasch 1

Building on Ferguson's account of ‘declarations of dependence’ and prior Melanesianist work on ‘humiliation’, I examine how enthusiasm for state-formation among Korowai of Papua has been shaped by their understandings of self-lowering as a politically complex way of influencing kin and equalizing relations. I begin with media firestorms in Australia and urban Papua about the need to save two vulnerable boys. Korowai understandings of these episodes, unknown to faraway media publics, illustrate their idea that self-lowering toward a hoped favorable benefactor is a desirable way of exercising a degree of relational control in a wider situation of being dominated. Building on the Australia-linked Wawa affair, I look further at why sending boys to school in towns is a main strategy by which Korowai try to ameliorate their felt inferiority to city people. Transactions between schoolboys and senior relatives are politically complex, in ways that suggest the schooling strategy is an application of old egalitarian kinship techniques to new geopolitical inequalities. Finally, I look at Korowai responses to the new environment of large money flows into the countryside under government policies of redistricting and community-driven development. Strong Korowai interest in benefactor relations with ‘Regency’ leaders, and the new embrace of divisions between ‘heads’ and ‘community’ within villages, also exemplify a strategy of seeking out a more livable relation of inequality to ease a less livable one.



基于弗格森对“依赖宣言”的描述和美拉尼西亚之前关于“屈辱”的研究,我研究了巴布亚的科罗威人对国家形成的热情是如何被他们将自我贬低作为影响亲属和亲属的复杂政治方式的理解所塑造的。平衡关系。我从澳大利亚和巴布亚城市的媒体风暴开始,讨论拯救两个脆弱男孩的必要性。Korowai 对这些事件的理解,为遥远的媒体公众所不知道,说明了他们的想法,即向希望的有利恩人自我降低是在更广泛的被支配情况下行使一定程度关系控制的理想方式。在与澳大利亚有关的瓦瓦事件的基础上,我进一步研究了为什么将男孩送到城镇上学是 Korowai 试图改善他们对城市人的自卑感的主要策略。男生和年长亲戚之间的交易在政治上是复杂的,这表明学校教育策略是将旧的平等亲属关系技术应用于新的地缘政治不平等。最后,我看看科罗威对政府重新划分和社区驱动发展政策下大量资金流入农村的新环境的反应。Korowai 对与“摄政”领导人的恩人关系的强烈兴趣,以及村内“首领”和“社区”之间新的分歧,也体现了一种寻求更宜居的不平等关系以缓解不太宜居的不平等关系的战略。男生和年长亲戚之间的交易在政治上是复杂的,这表明学校教育策略是将旧的平等亲属关系技术应用于新的地缘政治不平等。最后,我看看科罗威对政府重新划分和社区驱动发展政策下大量资金流入农村的新环境的反应。Korowai 对与“摄政”领导人的恩人关系的强烈兴趣,以及村内“首领”和“社区”之间新的分歧,也体现了一种寻求更宜居的不平等关系以缓解不太宜居的不平等关系的战略。男生和年长亲戚之间的交易在政治上是复杂的,这表明学校教育策略是将旧的平等亲属关系技术应用于新的地缘政治不平等。最后,我看看科罗威对政府重新划分和社区驱动发展政策下大量资金流入农村的新环境的反应。Korowai 对与“摄政”领导人的恩人关系的强烈兴趣,以及村内“首领”和“社区”之间新的分歧,也体现了一种寻求更宜居的不平等关系以缓解不太宜居的不平等关系的战略。我研究了在政府重新划分和社区驱动的发展政策下,科罗威对大量资金流入农村的新环境的反应。Korowai 对与“摄政”领导人的恩人关系的强烈兴趣,以及村内“首领”和“社区”之间新的分歧,也体现了一种寻求更宜居的不平等关系以缓解不太宜居的不平等关系的战略。我研究了在政府重新划分和社区驱动的发展政策下,科罗威对大量资金流入农村的新环境的反应。Korowai 对与“摄政”领导人的恩人关系的强烈兴趣,以及村内“首领”和“社区”之间新的分歧,也体现了一种寻求更宜居的不平等关系以缓解不太宜居的不平等关系的战略。