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ECLiq: European interactive catalogue of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction phenomena
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10518-021-01162-5
Francesca Bozzoni , Alessio Cantoni , Mauro C. De Marco , Carlo G. Lai

Soil liquefaction is a well-known ground instability phenomenon that may occur during earthquakes. This paper presents a novel catalogue of earthquake-induced manifestations of soil liquefaction occurred in Europe in the latest 1000 years or so. This unique digital archive, named “European interactive Catalogue of earthquake-induced soil Liquefaction phenomena” ECLiq, contains documented historical information regarding liquefaction-related phenomena (e.g. sand ejecta and boils, soil settlements and lateral spreading, ground and structural failures) triggered by seismic activity in continental Europe. It is publicly available as web-based GIS (Geographical Information System) platform at the link http://ecliq.eucentre.it/. Data and metadata were gathered within the time window 1117–2019 AD and include: the main seismological characteristics of the earthquake (e.g. UTC date, epicentre coordinates, magnitude, etc.), location of the site where liquefaction phenomena were documented, a description of the features of ground failure. The archive was built within the framework of LIQUEFACT, a 3.5-year research project funded under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. LIQUEFACT is the largest research project on the assessment and mitigation of risks associated with earthquake-induced soil liquefaction ever funded by the European Commission. Indeed, data and information have been retrieved, collected, critically reviewed and harmonized to compile a composite, homogeneous, and well-documented catalogue of earthquake-induced liquefaction occurrences in Europe. ECLiq is built as an interactive digital archive fully accessible as WebGIS and, as such, it will be useful to a broad range of stakeholders and end-users. ECLiq may help decision makers in identifying urban areas susceptible to undergo liquefaction-induced damage. Furthermore, it may also encourage the scientific community to upgrade soil liquefaction risk models.



土壤液化是一种众所周知的地面失稳现象,可能在地震期间发生。本文介绍了最近 1000 年左右在欧洲发生的地震引起的土壤液化现象的新目录。这个独特的数字档案,名为“地震引起的土壤液化现象的欧洲交互式目录”ECLiq,包含有关由地震引发的液化相关现象(例如沙子喷射和沸腾、土壤沉降和横向扩展、地面和结构破坏)的历史记录信息欧洲大陆的活动。它作为基于 Web 的 GIS(地理信息系统)平台在 http://ecliq.eucentre.it/ 链接上公开提供。数据和元数据是在公元 1117 年至 2019 年的时间窗口内收集的,包括:地震的主要地震学特征(例如 UTC 日期、震中坐标、震级等),记录液化现象的地点的位置,对地面破坏特征的描述。该档案是在 LIQUEFACT 的框架内建立的,LIQUEFACT 是一个 3.5 年的研究项目,由地平线 2020 研究和创新计划资助。LIQUEFACT 是有史以来由欧盟委员会资助的最大的关于评估和减轻与地震引起的土壤液化相关风险的研究项目。事实上,数据和信息已经被检索、收集、严格审查和协调,以编制欧洲地震引起的液化事件的综合、同质和有据可查的目录。ECLiq 被构建为一个交互式数字档案,可以像 WebGIS 一样完全访问,并且,因此,它将对广泛的利益相关者和最终用户有用。ECLiq 可以帮助决策者识别容易遭受液化引起的损害的城市地区。此外,它还可以鼓励科学界升级土壤液化风险模型。
