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Assessing Livelihood Vulnerability of Minority Ethnic Groups to Climate Change: A Case Study from the Northwest Mountainous Regions of Vietnam
Sustainability ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-24 , DOI: 10.3390/su13137106
Van Thanh Tran , Duc-Anh An-Vo , Geoff Cockfield , Shahbaz Mushtaq

Climate variability, climate change, and extreme events can compound the vulnerability of people heavily reliant on agriculture. Those with intersecting disadvantages, such as women, the poor, and ethnic minority groups, may be particularly affected. Understanding and assessing diverse vulnerabilities, especially those related to ethnicity, are therefore potentially important to the development of policies and programs aimed at enabling adaptation in such groups. This study uses a livelihood vulnerability index (LVI) method, along with qualitative data analysis, to compare the vulnerability of different smallholder farmers in Son La province, one of the poorest provinces in Vietnam. Data were collected from 240 households, representing four minority ethnic groups. The results indicated that household vulnerability is influenced by factors such as income diversity, debt, organizational membership, support from and awareness by local authorities, access to health services, water resources, and location. Results revealed that two of the ethnic groups’ households were, on average, more vulnerable, particularly regarding livelihood strategies, health, water, housing and productive land, and social network items when compared to the other two ethnic groups. The study shows the need for targeted interventions to reduce the vulnerability of these and similarly placed small ethnic communities.



气候变率、气候变化和极端事件会加剧严重依赖农业的人们的脆弱性。那些具有交叉劣势的人,例如妇女、穷人和少数族裔群体,可能会受到特别的影响。因此,了解和评估各种脆弱性,尤其是与种族相关的脆弱性,对于制定旨在促进此类群体适应的政策和计划可能很重要。本研究使用生计脆弱性指数 (LVI) 方法以及定性数据分析来比较越南最贫困省份之一山罗省不同小农的脆弱性。数据来自代表四个少数民族的 240 户家庭。结果表明,家庭脆弱性受收入多样性、债务、组织成员、地方当局的支持和认识、获得卫生服务、水资源和位置等因素的影响。结果显示,与其他两个民族相比,两个民族的家庭平均而言更脆弱,尤其是在生计策略、健康、水、住房和生产用地以及社交网络项目方面。该研究表明需要有针对性的干预措施来减少这些和类似的小民族社区的脆弱性。平均而言,与其他两个族群相比,他们更脆弱,尤其是在生计策略、健康、水、住房和生产用地以及社会网络项目方面。该研究表明需要有针对性的干预措施来减少这些和类似的小民族社区的脆弱性。平均而言,与其他两个族群相比,他们更脆弱,尤其是在生计策略、健康、水、住房和生产用地以及社会网络项目方面。该研究表明需要有针对性的干预措施来减少这些和类似的小族裔社区的脆弱性。