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Lithium enrichment optimization from Dead Sea end brine by chemical precipitation technique
Minerals Engineering ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2021.107038
Ahmad Alsabbagh , Sewar Aljarrah , Majdi Almahasneh

Lithium and its compounds are widely utilized in many applications like batteries, aircraft alloys, ceramics, nuclear reactors, medicine, and metallurgy additives due to its exceptional physical and chemical properties. The Dead Sea is known to be rich in several minerals and is considered as a saturated lake for many valuable elements like potassium and magnesium and a trace amounts of precious elements including lithium. Though, the high ratio of Mg2+ to Li+ in the Dead Sea water is one of the main challenges to extract lithium. This paper presents a promising approach for optimizing chemical precipitation from Dead Sea evaporation End Brine containing high Mg2+/Li+ ratio. The process can be carried out in the presence of magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium chlorides. By comparing the effect of different precipitating reagents on the percentage of lithium extracted, tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) was found to be a promising Li precipitating reagent. The effects of operating conditions on the lithium phosphate (Li3PO4) precipitation behaviours were evaluated. The highest percentage of lithium extracted was reached when seven grams of TSP were added to 1-liter samples of the Dead Sea evaporated end brine at 450 rpm stirring speed. Statistically, temperature and stirring time, were found to have a negligible effect on the percentage of lithium extracted. The optimization process enriched lithium concentrations from 30 −40 mg/L in the brine to 1000–1700 mg/kg in the obtained solid precipitate and more than 40% of the lithium present in the brine was extracted. The effectiveness of the followed procedure and conditions was proven by testing on synthetic brine. The average percentage of lithium extracted from the synthetic brine was 55% and Li concentration was enriched over 50 times larger than its initial concentration. The novelty of the current work is not only by the results obtained but also the successful application of the method on an environmental complex brine that is considered among the most saline bodies of water on earth.



锂及其化合物由于其优异的物理和化学性能而被广泛应用于电池、飞机合金、陶瓷、核反应堆、医药和冶金添加剂等许多领域。众所周知,死海富含多种矿物质,被认为是富含钾和镁等许多有价值元素以及包括锂在内的微量贵重元素的饱和湖。尽管如此,死海水中Mg 2+与Li +的高比例是提取锂的主要挑战之一。本文提出了一种优化死海蒸发含高 Mg 2+ /Li + 的终盐水化学沉淀的有前景的方法比率。该方法可以在氯化镁、氯化钙、氯化钠和氯化钾的存在下进行。通过比较不同沉淀剂对锂提取百分比的影响,发现磷酸三钠(TSP)是一种很有前途的锂沉淀剂。操作条件对磷酸锂(Li 3 PO 4) 沉淀行为进行了评估。当以 450 rpm 的搅拌速度将 7 克 TSP 添加到 1 升死海蒸发的最终盐水样品中时,锂的提取百分比达到最高。从统计上看,温度和搅拌时间对锂提取的百分比的影响可以忽略不计。优化过程将盐水中的锂浓度从 30 -40 mg/L 浓缩到所得固体沉淀物中的 1000-1700 mg/kg,并且提取了盐水中 40% 以上的锂。通过对合成盐水进行测试,证明了以下程序和条件的有效性。从合成盐水中提取的锂的平均百分比为 55%,锂浓度比初始浓度高 50 倍以上。
