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Quaternary history of the Ayot Paleogene Outlier, Southeast England: A field and laboratory case-study in local geology with regional implications
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Pub Date : 2021-06-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2021.05.001
Richard M. Bateman

Despite limited exposures, detailed field mapping and sedimentological analyses – particle size, clast petrography and fine-sand mineralogy (plus limited coarse silt and clay mineralogy) – have elucidated the ages, provenance and depositional environments of the complex and controversial Quaternary deposits covering the Ayot Paleogene Outlier. Most of the sediments were largely derived directly and/or indirectly from local facies of the Woolwich and Reading Formation. The oldest deposits are (Pre-)Pastonian proto-Thames gravels overlain by thin sands, which collectively represent crucial evidence for the earliest (Stoke Row) terrace of the proto-Thames. These materials were later thrust southwards by the Anglian ice close to its margin, which deposited a thin yet heterogeneous till at Ayot. This unit is correlated with the Ware Till, suggesting that the Anglian ice was thicker during the earlier of its two major southwestward incursions into the Vale of St Albans. An aeolian mantle was deposited on the Outlier during the Late Devensian; most of the blown material was incorporated into the upper regions of the till but some accumulated in depressions to form brickearths that resemble some Chiltern Brickearths. A colluvial apron developed during the Holocene, together with three swallow-holes. Some of these depositional events were separated by periods of poorly-preserved pedogenesis.


英格兰东南部 Ayot Paleogene Outlier 的第四纪历史:具有区域影响的当地地质实地和实验室案例研究

尽管暴露有限,详细的实地测绘和沉积学分析——颗粒大小、碎屑岩相学和细砂矿物学(加上有限的粗粉砂和粘土矿物学)——已经阐明了覆盖 Ayot 的复杂且有争议的第四纪沉积物的年龄、来源和沉积环境古近纪异常值。大多数沉积物主要直接和/或间接来自伍尔维奇和雷丁组的当地相。最古老的矿床是(前)帕斯托尼亚原始泰晤士河砾石,上面覆盖着薄沙,它们共同代表了原始泰晤士河最早(斯托克街)阶地的重要证据。这些物质后来被靠近边缘的盎格鲁冰向南推进,在 Ayot 沉积了薄而异质的冰层。该单位与 Ware Till 相关,这表明盎格鲁冰在两次主要的西南入侵圣奥尔本斯谷中较早的时期更厚。晚泥盆世期间,风成地幔沉积在离群点上;大部分吹制材料都被纳入了耕作机的上部区域,但有些堆积在凹陷处,形成类似于某些 Chiltern Brickearths 的砖土。全新世时期形成了一个崩积围裙,连同三个燕子洞。这些沉积事件中的一些被保存不良的成土时期分开。大部分吹制材料都被纳入了耕作机的上部区域,但有些堆积在凹陷处,形成类似于某些 Chiltern Brickearths 的砖土。全新世时期形成了一个崩积围裙,连同三个燕子洞。这些沉积事件中的一些被保存不良的成土时期分开。大部分吹制材料都被纳入了耕作机的上部区域,但有些堆积在凹陷处,形成类似于某些 Chiltern Brickearths 的砖土。全新世时期形成了一个崩积围裙,连同三个燕子洞。这些沉积事件中的一些被保存不良的成土时期分开。
