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Optimization of broadbandΛ-type quantum memory using Gaussian pulses
Physical Review A ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-24 , DOI: 10.1103/physreva.103.062418
Kai Shinbrough , Benjamin D. Hunt , Virginia O. Lorenz

Optical quantum memory, the ability to store photonic quantum states and retrieve them on demand, is an essential resource for emerging quantum technologies and photonic quantum information protocols. Simultaneously achieving high efficiency and high-speed, broadband operation is an important task necessary for enabling these applications. We investigate the optimization of a large class of optical quantum memories based on resonant and near-resonant interaction with ensembles of Λ-type level systems with the restriction that the temporal envelope of all optical fields must be Gaussian, which reduces experimental complexity. Through this optimization we demonstrate an experimentally simple path to saturation of the protocol-independent storage efficiency bound that is valid for a wide range of memory bandwidths, including those that are broadband and high speed. Examining the resulting optimal Gaussian control field parameters, we find a continuous transformation between three physically distinct resonant quantum memory protocols. We compare this Gaussian optimization scheme with standard shape-based optimization.


