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Moving Toward Critical Consciousness and Anti-Oppressive Practice Approaches With People at Risk of Sex Trafficking: Perspectives From Social Service Providers
Affilia ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1177/08861099211025531
Lara B. Gerassi 1 , L. B. Klein 1 , Maria del Carmen Rosales 2

Whether and how social service providers use practice strategies that address racism is critically understudied, particularly with people who are at risk of sex trafficking. The purpose of this article is to understand (1) the perceptions of racial disparities in sex trafficking (as learned from sex trafficking education), and (2) the strategies used to address racism in practice (color-evasiveness, anti-oppressive practice [AOP]). We used a directed content analysis approach to analyze 24 semistructured, in-depth interviews of providers who knowingly encounter sex-trafficked young people in a majority white region of a Midwestern state (census indicates that minority populations include African American, Native American, and Hispanic/Latino people). Findings suggest that providers perceived sex trafficking education (e.g., trainings they attended) as predominantly focused on economic standing and family risks, rather than racial disparities and roles of structural racial oppression. They also experienced challenges in naming the racial identities of clients and addressing racism in practice. Implications for implementing critical consciousness and AOP strategies as well as future research directions are discussed.



社会服务提供者是否以及如何使用解决种族主义的实践策略尚未得到充分研究,特别是对于面临性交易风险的人。本文的目的是了解 (1) 对性交易中种族差异的看法(从性交易教育中学到的),以及 (2) 用于解决实践中的种族主义的策略(回避颜色、反压迫实践 [ AOP])。我们使用定向内容分析方法分析了 24 次半结构化的深度访谈,这些访谈提供者在中西部州的大多数白人地区(人口普查表明少数族裔包括非裔美国人、美洲原住民和西班牙裔美国人)故意遇到性交易的年轻人。 /拉丁人)。调查结果表明,提供者认为性交易教育(例如,他们参加的培训)主要关注经济地位和家庭风险,而不是种族差异和结构性种族压迫的作用。他们在命名客户的种族身份和在实践中解决种族主义方面也遇到了挑战。讨论了实施批判意识和 AOP 策略以及未来研究方向的影响。
