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Nicasius Ellebodius and the “otium litterarum” The Vicissitudes of a Flemish Humanist in Pozsony (1571–77)
East Central Europe ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-16 , DOI: 10.30965/18763308-48010009
Áron Orbán 1

This study reviews Nicasius Ellebodius’s Pozsony (today: Bratislava) period (1571–77) from a biographical and intellectual historical perspective. Ellebodius (1535–1577) was a Flemish philologist of vast erudition, one of the finest Graecists of his day. His biography and character are much less discussed in scholarship than his works, although his letters provide us with invaluable information about his life, as well as about the participation of the academic elite of 16th-century Hungary in the international res publica litteraria. The article will revisit the problem of how far he could realize the otium litterarum that he yearned for so much, and what challenges he had to face in his everyday life in Pozsony.


Nicasius Ellebodius 和“otium litterarum”波兹索尼佛兰德人文主义者的沧桑(1571-77)

本研究从传记和思想史的角度回顾了 Nicasius Ellebodius 的 Pozsony(今天:布拉迪斯拉发)时期(1571-77)。埃勒博迪乌斯(Ellebodius,1535-1577 年)是一位博学多识的佛兰德语言学家,是他那个时代最优秀的希腊学者之一。他的传记和性格在学术界的讨论远少于他的作品,尽管他的信件为我们提供了关于他的生活以及 16 世纪匈牙利学术精英参与国际公共文学的宝贵信息。文章将重新审视他在多大程度上实现了他如此向往的otium litterarum,以及他在波兹索尼的日常生活中不得不面对的挑战。
