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Missional Christian Communities in Conditions of Marginality: On Finding a ‘Missional Existence’ in the Post-Christian West
Mission Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-20 , DOI: 10.1163/15733831-12341778
Stefan Paas 1, 2, 3

There is a particular vulnerability to mission in the secularized societies of Western Europe. Much of this has to do with a loss of confidence, which hinders participation in the mission of God. This article presents an analysis of this vulnerability that comes from a loss of heart, and it offers possible solutions for a bold minority mission as participation in the missio Dei. This includes the de-instrumentalization of mission and rooting it in a doxological approach. Furthermore, the biblical metaphors of exile and priesthood are explored to redefine what it means to do mission from a position of joyful weakness.



在西欧的世俗化社会中,宣教特别脆弱。这在很大程度上与失去信心有关,这阻碍了参与上帝的使命。本文分析了这种来自失魂落魄的脆弱性,并为大胆的少数派任务提供了可能的解决方案,例如参与Mission Dei。这包括使命的去工具化并将其植根于颂赞论的方法中。此外,我们探索了圣经中关于流放和祭司的隐喻,以重新定义从快乐软弱的位置上执行传教的意义。
