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Re-thinking the Tanẓīm: Tensions between Individual Identities and Organizational Structures in the Muslim Brotherhood after 2013
Middle East Law and Governance ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-14 , DOI: 10.1163/18763375-13020001
Lucia Ardovini 1

This article traces the struggle between individual agency and organizational structures characterizing the Muslim Brotherhood in the aftermath of the 2013 coup, identifying these tensions as a main point of contention driving its restructuring and fragmentation. Since Mohammed Morsi’s violent toppling, the Brotherhood experienced a process of gradual fragmentation, with tensions developing between different approaches to repression. Yet, while these debates came to the fore during the current crisis, they have roots in the pre-revolutionary period. The article traces the emergence of tensions between structure and agency from 2011 to the post-2013 context to provide a clearer picture of the internal challenges facing the Brotherhood today. It relies on data collected during fieldwork conducted between 2013 and 2019 in Turkey and the UK, and interviews with current and former Brotherhood members from across the organizational spectrum. It focuses on the members’ individual perspectives in order to trace the growing disconnect between them and the organization.


重新思考 Tanẓīm:2013 年后穆斯林兄弟会中个人身份和组织结构之间的紧张关系

本文追溯了 2013 年政变后穆斯林兄弟会的个人机构和组织结构之间的斗争,将这些紧张关系确定为推动其重组和分裂的主要争论点。自从穆罕默德·穆尔西被暴力推翻后,兄弟会经历了一个逐渐分裂的过程,不同的镇压方法之间出现了紧张局势。然而,虽然这些辩论在当前危机期间脱颖而出,但它们根源于革命前时期。这篇文章追溯了从 2011 年到 2013 年之后出现的结构和代理之间的紧张关系,以更清晰地描绘当今兄弟会面临的内部挑战。它依赖于 2013 年至 2019 年在土耳其和英国进行的实地调查期间收集的数据,以及对来自整个组织范围的现任和前任兄弟会成员的采访。它侧重于成员的个人观点,以追踪他们与组织之间日益增长的脱节。
