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The Miracle of Mercy and the Mandate of Justice: Reading Daniela Augustine’s The Spirit and the Common Good in a Time of Social Upheaval and Political Reckoning
Journal of Pentecostal Theology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-05 , DOI: 10.1163/17455251-30010004
Chris E.W. Green 1

Daniela Augustine’s The Spirit and the Common Good continues her project of imagining the Christian life as a life given to iconizing the creator and thus sanctifying the creation. Drawing on the deep sources of Orthodox theology and post-modern philosophy, she casts a vision of the common good drawn by the church’s participation in the Spirit’s ‘world-mending artistry’. This review asks what her work means for American Pentecostals in the context of the current social upheaval and political reckoning.



丹妮拉·奥古斯丁 (Daniela Augustine) 的《精神与共同利益》 ( The Spirit and the Common Good)继续她的计划,将基督徒生活想象成一种将创造者形象化的生活,从而使创造物成圣。她利用东正教神学和后现代哲学的深厚渊源,描绘了教会参与圣灵“修复世界的艺术”所产生的共同利益的愿景。这篇评论询问她的工作在当前社会动荡和政治清算的背景下对美国五旬节派意味着什么。
