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Tracing the geomagnetic field intensity variations in Upper Mesopotamia during the Pottery Neolithic to improve ceramic-based chronologies
Journal of Archaeological Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2021.105430
Y. Gallet , A. Fournier , P.W. Livermore

The transdimensional Bayesian method AH-RJMCMC applied to archeomagnetic intensity data available in the Balkans and the Near East allows us to estimate the variations in intensity of the geomagnetic field in Upper Mesopotamia during the 7th and 6th millennia BCE (Late Neolithic), with adequate treatment of the dating and intensity uncertainties. The results for the 6th millennium BCE appear particularly interesting because there is enough data to trace rapid geomagnetic field intensity variations, with two century-scale peaks around 5800 BCE and 5550 BCE, associated with rates of changes (>0.2 μT/year) higher than the maximum rate observed in the current geomagnetic field. We show that these variations could help decipher the correlations between different archeological sequences or periodizations established from scattered sites in Upper Mesopotamia. So far documented only from the Balkan data, the intensity peak occurring around 5800 BCE may provide accurate chronological constraints for the Early Halaf phase. New insights are also obtained for the Halaf-Ubaid Transitional phase (end of the 6th millennium BCE), which remains poorly defined from an archeological point of view. The AH-RJMCMC results imply that either the archeointensity data currently available from Upper Mesopotamia document only the beginning of this phase, or that this phase occurred between ~5400 and ~5200 BCE, shorter than often considered. Such preliminary archeological inferences will progress and broaden with the addition of new archeointensity data.



应用于巴尔干和近东古地磁强度数据的跨维贝叶斯方法 AH-RJMCMC 使我们能够估计公元前 7 和 6 千年(新石器时代晚期)上美索不达米亚地磁场强度的变化,并进行适当的处​​理年代和强度的不确定性。公元前 6 世纪的结果似乎特别有趣,因为有足够的数据来追踪快速的地磁场强度变化,在公元前 5800 年和公元前 5550 年有两个世纪尺度的峰值,与变化率(> 0.2 μT/年)相关联高于在当前地磁场中观察到的最大速率。我们表明,这些变化可以帮助破译从上美索不达米亚的分散地点建立的不同考古序列或分期之间的相关性。到目前为止,仅根据巴尔干数据记录,公元前 5800 年左右发生的强度峰值可能为早期哈拉夫阶段提供准确的时间限制。Halaf-Ubaid 过渡阶段(公元前 6 世纪末)也获得了新的见解,从考古学的角度来看,这仍然是一个模糊的定义。AH-RJMCMC 结果表明,目前从上美索不达米亚获得的考古强度数据仅记录了这个阶段的开始,或者这个阶段发生在大约公元前 5400 年到大约 5200 年之间,比通常认为的要短。
