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A Systematic Review of Sleep Associations in Parents and Children
Journal of Child and Family Studies ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10826-021-02002-5
Prerna Varma , Russell Conduit , Moira Junge , V Vien Lee , Melinda L. Jackson

This systematic review aimed to examine sleep associations in a) typically developing children and their parents, and b) children with neurodevelopmental disorders and their parents. Literature search was conducted on PubMed, PsycINFO, EMBASE and Scopus databases for articles examining sleep associations between parents and children. Thirty studies were included in the final review. Based on the first aim, sleep associations between parents and typically developing children were observed for sleep quality, sleep duration and sleep efficiency. However, evidence for associations between sleepiness levels in parents and children and sleep schedules related to bedtime or waketime was limited. Based on the second aim, children with neurodevelopmental disorders and their parents reported greater sleep disturbances in comparison to typically developing children and their parents. The review concluded that sleep in parents and children is interrelated across a number of sleep parameters. It also revealed some preliminary evidence on bidirectionality in parent-child sleep, which warrants further examination. The review highlights the need to examine the mediating role of environmental factors on the interactions between parent-child sleep. Rigorous, longitudinal designs should be employed to explore the pathways through which parents may impact their children’s sleep and functioning and vice-versa.



本系统评价旨在检查 a) 正常发育的儿童及其父母和 b) 患有神经发育障碍的儿童及其父母的睡眠关联。在 PubMed、PsycINFO、EMBASE 和 Scopus 数据库上进行了文献搜索,以查找检查父母与孩子之间睡眠关联的文章。30 项研究被纳入最终审查。基于第一个目标,观察了父母与正常发育儿童之间的睡眠质量、睡眠持续时间和睡眠效率之间的睡眠关联。然而,关于父母和孩子的困倦程度与与就寝时间或起床时间相关的睡眠时间表之间存在关联的证据是有限的。基于第二个目标,与正常发育的儿童及其父母相比,患有神经发育障碍的儿童及其父母报告的睡眠障碍更严重。审查得出结论,父母和孩子的睡眠在许多睡眠参数中是相互关联的。它还揭示了一些关于亲子睡眠双向性的初步证据,值得进一步研究。该评价强调需要检查环境因素对亲子睡眠之间相互作用的中介作用。应该采用严格的纵向设计来探索父母可能影响孩子睡眠和功能的途径,反之亦然。它还揭示了一些关于亲子睡眠双向性的初步证据,值得进一步研究。该评价强调需要检查环境因素对亲子睡眠之间相互作用的中介作用。应该采用严格的纵向设计来探索父母可能影响孩子睡眠和功能的途径,反之亦然。它还揭示了一些关于亲子睡眠双向性的初步证据,值得进一步研究。该评价强调需要检查环境因素对亲子睡眠之间相互作用的中介作用。应该采用严格的纵向设计来探索父母可能影响孩子睡眠和功能的途径,反之亦然。
