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Israel, Turkey, and the Turkish Jewish community in light of Operation Protective Edge
Middle Eastern Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1080/00263206.2021.1937998
Efrat Aviv 1


This article examines developments within the Jewish community in Turkey during and after the Israeli operation in Gaza in 2014 and describes the political relations between Israel and Turkey and its impact on local Turkish Jews. It depicts Operation Protective Edge as one of the peaks of antisemitism in Turkey and considers the question of whether antisemitism in Turkey is related to Turkish-Israeli relations. This study contributes to the scholarship on the perception of Jews in Turkey in light of Turkish-Israeli relations. The paper begins by introducing minority discourse, and then describes the historical background of Turkish-Israeli relations, the perception of Jews, and the effects of the Protective Edge on the Jewish community in particular and on Israeli-Turkish relations in general during that period. Subsequently, the main findings are presented.




本文考察了 2014 年以色列在加沙行动期间和之后土耳其犹太社区的发展,并描述了以色列和土耳其之间的政治关系及其对当地土耳其犹太人的影响。它将保护边缘行动描述为土耳其反犹太主义的高峰之一,并考虑了土耳其的反犹太主义是否与土以关系有关的问题。根据土耳其-以色列关系,这项研究有助于研究土耳其犹太人对土耳其的看法。该论文首先介绍了少数族裔话语,然后描述了土耳其-以色列关系的历史背景、犹太人的看法,以及保护边缘对犹太人社区的影响,特别是在那个时期对以色列-土耳其关系的总体影响。随后,
