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Investigation on the Influence of Temperature and Confining Pressure on the Hydraulic Conductivity of the Integrated and Fractured Jurassic Conglomerates
Geofluids ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-22 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/8858030
Dingyang Zhang 1, 2 , Wanghua Sui 1 , Jiawei Liu 1

This paper presents an experimental investigation on the properties of hydraulic conductivity and permeability of conglomerates under different temperatures and confining pressures with integrated samples and samples with shear failure. Constant head tests were carried out in a temperature-controlled triaxial cell with samples obtained from the Zhuxianzhuang Coal Mine. Five levels of temperatures (10°C, 20°C, 28°C, 35°C, and 50°C) and three levels of confining pressures (3 MPa, 5 MPa, and 7 MPa) were chosen for the tests. The results show that there is a negative relationship between hydraulic conductivity and confining pressure with both original and shear failure samples. An inflection point of 35°C is found in the relationship between the flow rate and temperature. However, with increasing temperature conditions, hydraulic conductivity first increases and then decreases at 50°C with the intact sample, while hydraulic conductivity first decreases from 20°C and then increases with the shear failure sample. Finally, nonlinear regression equations of hydraulic conductivity and temperature were obtained under different confining pressures.



本文对砾岩在不同温度和围压下的水力传导率和渗透率特性进行了实验研究,其中包括集成样品和具有剪切破坏的样品。恒水头试验在温度控制的三轴池中进行,样品取自朱仙庄煤矿。测试选择了五个温度等级(10°C、20°C、28°C、35°C 和 50°C)和三个围压等级(3 MPa、5 MPa 和 7 MPa)。结果表明,无论是原始破坏样本还是剪切破坏样本,水力传导率和围压之间都存在负相关关系。在流速和温度之间的关系中发现了 35°C 的拐点。然而,随着温度的升高,完整样品的水力传导率在 50°C 时先增加然后降低,而水力传导率从 20°C 开始先减少,然后随着剪切破坏样品增加。最后,得到了不同围压下水力传导率和温度的非线性回归方程。