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Application of image recognition in workpiece classification
Advances in Mechanical Engineering ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1177/16878140211026082
Hsin-Yi Chien 1 , Yu-Chen Wang 1 , Guan-Chen Chen 1

With the rapid development of information technology and widespread use of the Internet of Things, machine intelligence will undoubtedly emerge as a leading research topic in the future. The main purpose of the present research is to incorporate an image recognition system into a robotic arm motion to achieve automatic classification. First, we upload captured images to a PC for classification process and use chess patterns to conduct a sampling test. Next, when the system identifies these patterns as proper chess patterns, the robotic arm grabs the objects and moves them to designated locations. The project is divided into two main sections: image recognition and robotic arm motion. In the image recognition section, we use Keras and the Tensorflow open source learning machine to build a convolutional neural network model. Then, we use a learning model network that is a considerably more compact variant of the VGGNet network in the image recognition system. With this model, we achieve a recognition accuracy of 95%. In the robotic arm section, we use a five-axis robotic arm and an Arduino Uno board as the controller. We design the Denavit–Hartenberg parameters of the arm and calculate the direct (inverse) kinematics parameters to plan its trajectory. Thereafter, we use MATLAB software to simulate prototype processes, such as grabbing, moving, and placing. Finally, we import the program into the controller so that the robotic arm can execute classification based on the chess pattern.



随着信息技术的飞速发展和物联网的广泛应用,机器智能无疑将成为未来的前沿研究课题。本研究的主要目的是将图像识别系统结合到机械臂运动中以实现自动分类。首先,我们将捕获的图像上传到 PC 进行分类处理,并使用国际象棋模式进行抽样测试。接下来,当系统将这些模式识别为正确的国际象棋模式时,机械臂会抓住物体并将它们移动到指定位置。该项目分为两个主要部分:图像识别和机械臂运动。在图像识别部分,我们使用 Keras 和 Tensorflow 开源学习机构建卷积神经网络模型。然后,我们使用学习模型网络,它是图像识别系统中 VGGNet 网络的一个相当紧凑的变体。使用此模型,我们实现了 95% 的识别准确率。在机械臂部分,我们使用了一个五轴机械臂和一个 Arduino Uno 板作为控制器。我们设计手臂的 Denavit-Hartenberg 参数并计算直接(逆)运动学参数以规划其轨迹。此后,我们使用 MATLAB 软件来模拟原型过程,例如抓取、移动和放置。最后,我们将程序导入控制器,以便机械臂可以根据棋谱进行分类。在机械臂部分,我们使用了一个五轴机械臂和一个 Arduino Uno 板作为控制器。我们设计手臂的 Denavit-Hartenberg 参数并计算直接(逆)运动学参数以规划其轨迹。此后,我们使用 MATLAB 软件来模拟原型过程,例如抓取、移动和放置。最后,我们将程序导入控制器,以便机械臂可以根据棋谱进行分类。在机械臂部分,我们使用了一个五轴机械臂和一个 Arduino Uno 板作为控制器。我们设计手臂的 Denavit-Hartenberg 参数并计算直接(逆)运动学参数以规划其轨迹。此后,我们使用 MATLAB 软件来模拟原型过程,例如抓取、移动和放置。最后,我们将程序导入控制器,以便机械臂可以根据棋谱进行分类。
