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Challenges and Assets of Older Adults in Sub-Saharan Africa: Perspectives of Gerontology Scholars
Journal of Aging & Social Policy ( IF 7.084 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1080/08959420.2021.1927614
Margaret E Adamek 1 , Messay Gebremariam Kotecho 2, 3 , Samson Chane 4 , Getachew Gebeyaw 5


Life expectancy is increasing globally, with the biggest gains expected in sub-Saharan Africa. Using an online survey, we investigated the perspectives of gerontology scholars on the challenges of aging in sub-Saharan Africa as well as the assets of older adults. Respondents (n = 72) from 17 countries, primarily in Africa, and representing 16 disciplines, identified the top issues facing African older adults as: poverty, lack of trained geriatric professionals, food insecurity, disability/health issues, and long-term care. Older adults’ unique strengths were noted as indigenous knowledge systems, being holders of cultural heritage, and their contributions to development. Respondents’ biggest concerns about older adults in sub-Saharan Africa were the lack of government attention to aging issues (63%) and a lack of social services targeted to older adults’ needs (57%). Government funding (77.8%) and international partnerships (38.9%) were noted as resources needed to support aging research in sub-Saharan Africa. The response or non-response of governments in sub-Saharan Africa will determine whether the growing number of older adults will increasingly experience unmet needs and whether their assets will be considered in development efforts. Establishing professional networks of gerontology scholars in the region will help to document the challenges faced by older adults, to plan for the coming demographic shift, and to empower older adults to thrive as valued community members.




全球预期寿命正在增加,预计撒哈拉以南非洲地区的预期寿命最大。通过在线调查,我们调查了老年学学者对撒哈拉以南非洲老龄化挑战以及老年人资产的看法。来自 17 个国家(主要是非洲国家)并代表 16 个学科的受访者(n = 72)确定了非洲老年人面临的首要问题:贫困、缺乏训练有素的老年医学专业人员、粮食不安全、残疾/健康问题和长期护理. 老年人的独特优势被认为是土著知识体系,是文化遗产的持有者,以及他们对发展的贡献。受访者对撒哈拉以南非洲老年人最大的担忧是政府对老龄化问题缺乏关注(63%)和缺乏针对老年人需求的社会服务(57%)。政府资助(77.8%)和国际伙伴关系(38.9%)被认为是支持撒哈拉以南非洲老龄化研究所需的资源。撒哈拉以南非洲各国政府的回应或不回应将决定越来越多的老年人是否会越来越多地遇到未满足的需求,以及他们的资产是否会在发展工作中得到考虑。在该地区建立老年学学者的专业网络将有助于记录老年人面临的挑战,为即将到来的人口转变做计划,并使老年人能够作为有价值的社区成员茁壮成长。政府资助(77.8%)和国际伙伴关系(38.9%)被认为是支持撒哈拉以南非洲老龄化研究所需的资源。撒哈拉以南非洲各国政府的回应或不回应将决定越来越多的老年人是否会越来越多地遇到未满足的需求,以及他们的资产是否会在发展工作中得到考虑。在该地区建立老年学学者的专业网络将有助于记录老年人面临的挑战,为即将到来的人口转变做计划,并使老年人能够作为有价值的社区成员茁壮成长。政府资助(77.8%)和国际伙伴关系(38.9%)被认为是支持撒哈拉以南非洲老龄化研究所需的资源。撒哈拉以南非洲各国政府的回应或不回应将决定越来越多的老年人是否会越来越多地遇到未满足的需求,以及他们的资产是否会在发展工作中得到考虑。在该地区建立老年学学者的专业网络将有助于记录老年人面临的挑战,为即将到来的人口转变做计划,并使老年人能够作为有价值的社区成员茁壮成长。撒哈拉以南非洲各国政府的回应或不回应将决定越来越多的老年人是否会越来越多地遇到未满足的需求,以及他们的资产是否会在发展工作中得到考虑。在该地区建立老年学学者的专业网络将有助于记录老年人面临的挑战,为即将到来的人口转变做计划,并使老年人能够作为有价值的社区成员茁壮成长。撒哈拉以南非洲各国政府的回应或不回应将决定越来越多的老年人是否会越来越多地遇到未满足的需求,以及他们的资产是否会在发展工作中得到考虑。在该地区建立老年学学者的专业网络将有助于记录老年人面临的挑战,为即将到来的人口转变做计划,并使老年人能够作为有价值的社区成员茁壮成长。
