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Utilization of Remote Access Electron Microscopes to Enhance Technology Education and Foster STEM Interest in Preteen Students
Research in Science Education ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s11165-020-09964-4
Vanessa Wolf 1 , Valerie Hsiao 1 , Brandon Rodriguez 2 , Ashley Min 1 , Jill Mayorga 3 , Jared Ashcroft 1

Remote access technology in STEM education fills dual roles as an educational tool to deliver science education (Educational Technology) and as a means to teach about technology itself (Technology Education). A five-lesson sequence was introduced to 11 and 12-year-old students at an urban school. The lesson sequences were inquiry-based, hands-on, and utilized active learning pedagogies, which have been implemented in STEM classrooms worldwide. Each lesson employed a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) accessed remotely. Students were assessed using multiple-choice questions to ascertain (1) technology education learning gains: did students gain an understanding of how electron microscopes work? and (2) educational technology learning gains: did students gain a better understanding of lesson content through use of the electron microscope? Likert-item surveys were developed, distributed, and analyzed to established how remote access technology affected student attitudes toward science, college, and technology. Participating students had a positive increase in attitudes toward scientific technology by engaging in the lesson sequences, reported positive attitudes toward remote access experiences, and exhibited learning gains in the science behind the SEM technology they accessed remotely. These findings suggest that remote experiences are a strong form of technology education, but also that future research could explore ways to strengthen remote access as an educational technology (a tool to deliver lesson content), such as one-on-one engagement. This study promotes future research into inquiry-based, hands-on, integrated lessons approach that utilize educational technology learning through remote instruments as a pedagogy to increase students’ engagement with and learning of the T in STEM.


利用远程访问电子显微镜加强技术教育并培养学龄前学生对 STEM 的兴趣

STEM 教育中的远程访问技术扮演着双重角色:作为提供科学教育的教育工具(教育技术)和作为教授技术本身的手段(技术教育)。一所城市学校向 11 岁和 12 岁的学生推出了五节课的课程。课程序列以探究为基础、实践性强,并采用主动学习教学法,这些教学法已在世界各地的 STEM 教室中实施。每节课都使用远程访问的扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 和能量色散光谱 (EDS)。使用多项选择题对学生进行评估,以确定 (1) 技术教育学习成果:学生是否了解电子显微镜的工作原理? (2) 教育技术学习收获:学生是否通过使用电子显微镜更好地理解了课程内容?制定、分发和分析了李克特项目调查,以确定远程访问技术如何影响学生对科学、大学和技术的态度。通过参与课程序列,参与的学生对科学技术的态度有了积极的提高,报告了对远程访问体验的积极态度,并展示了他们在远程访问的 SEM 技术背后的科学学习成果。这些发现表明,远程体验是技术教育的一种强有力的形式,而且未来的研究可以探索如何加强远程访问作为一种教育技术(一种提供课程内容的工具),例如一对一的参与。 这项研究促进了未来对基于探究的、实践性的综合课程方法的研究,该方法利用通过远程仪器进行的教育技术学习作为教学法,以增加学生对 STEM 中T的参与和学习。
