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On Representing Resilience Requirements of Microservice Architecture Systems
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1142/s0218194021500261
Kanglin Yin 1 , Qingfeng Du 1

Together with the spread of DevOps practices and container technologies, Microservice Architecture has become a mainstream architecture style in recent years. Resilience is a key characteristic in Microservice Architecture (MSA) Systems, and it shows the ability to cope with various kinds of system disturbances which cause degradations of services. However, due to lack of consensus definition of resilience in the software field, although a lot of work has been done on resilience for MSA Systems, developers still do not have a clear idea on how resilient an MSA System should be, and what resilience mechanisms are needed. In this paper, by referring to existing systematic studies on resilience in other scientific areas, the definition of microservice resilience is provided and a Microservice Resilience Measurement Model is proposed to measure service resilience. And a requirement model to represent resilience requirements of MSA Systems is given. The requirement model uses elements in KAOS to represent notions in the measurement model, and decompose service resilience goals into system behaviors that can be executed by system components. As a proof of concept, a case study is conducted on an MSA System to illustrate how the proposed models are applied.



随着 DevOps 实践和容器技术的普及,微服务架构已经成为近年来的主流架构风格。弹性是微服务架构(MSA)系统的一个关键特性,它显示了应对各种导致服务降级的系统干扰的能力。然而,由于软件领域对弹性的定义缺乏共识,尽管在 MSA 系统的弹性方面已经做了大量工作,但开发人员对于一个 MSA 系统应该具有多大的弹性,以及什么样的弹性机制仍然没有一个清晰的概念。是需要的。在本文中,通过参考其他科学领域已有的关于弹性的系统研究,给出了微服务弹性的定义,提出了微服务弹性测量模型来衡量服务弹性。并给出了表示MSA系统弹性需求的需求模型。需求模型使用 KAOS 中的元素来表示度量模型中的概念,并将服务弹性目标分解为可由系统组件执行的系统行为。作为概念验证,对 MSA 系统进行了案例研究,以说明如何应用建议的模型。