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Methods for analyzing neuronal structure and activity in Caenorhabditis elegans.
GENETICS ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-20 , DOI: 10.1093/genetics/iyab072
Scott W Emmons 1 , Eviatar Yemini 2 , Manuel Zimmer 3, 4

The model research animal Caenorhabditis elegans has unique properties making it particularly advantageous for studies of the nervous system. The nervous system is composed of a stereotyped complement of neurons connected in a consistent manner. Here, we describe methods for studying nervous system structure and function. The transparency of the animal makes it possible to visualize and identify neurons in living animals with fluorescent probes. These methods have been recently enhanced for the efficient use of neuron-specific reporter genes. Because of its simple structure, for a number of years, C. elegans has been at the forefront of connectomic studies defining synaptic connectivity by electron microscopy. This field is burgeoning with new, more powerful techniques, and recommended up-to-date methods are here described that encourage the possibility of new work in C. elegans. Fluorescent probes for single synapses and synaptic connections have allowed verification of the EM reconstructions and for experimental approaches to synapse formation. Advances in microscopy and in fluorescent reporters sensitive to Ca2+ levels have opened the way to observing activity within single neurons across the entire nervous system.



模型研究动物秀丽隐杆线虫具有独特的特性,使其特别有利于神经系统的研究。神经系统由以一致方式连接的定型神经元补充组成。在这里,我们描述了研究神经系统结构和功能的方法。动物的透明性使得用荧光探针可视化和识别活体动物的神经元成为可能。这些方法最近得到了增强,可以有效地使用神经元特异性报告基因。由于其简单的结构,多年来,C. elegans 一直处于通过电子显微镜定义突触连接的连接组学研究的前沿。这个领域正在涌现出新的、更强大的技术,这里描述了推荐的最新方法,鼓励在 C. elegans 中进行新工作的可能性。用于单个突触和突触连接的荧光探针允许验证 EM 重建和突触形成的实验方法。显微镜技术和对 Ca2+ 水平敏感的荧光报告技术的进步为观察整个神经系统中单个神经元的活动开辟了道路。