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Quasiparticle states for integer- and fractional-charged electron wave packets
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-22 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.103.245429
X. K. Yue , Y. Yin

It is well known that Lorentzian voltage pulses with integer quantum flux can inject integer-charged wave packets without electron-hole pairs. The wave packets are composed of solitonlike quasiparticles on top of the Fermi sea, which have been named “levitons.” However, it is not clear what kind of charged quasiparticles can be injected by Lorentzian pulses with fractional quantum flux. To answer this question, we study the wave packets injected by a train of Lorentzian pulses with repetition period T. We introduce a set of one-body wave functions, within which the quantum state of the charged quasiparticles can be described for pulses with arbitrary quantum flux. We find that in the general case, the injection of the charged quasiparticles is characterized by two different timescales: one is decided by the repetition period T of the pulse train, while the other one is T rescaled by a factor related to the flux of the pulses. For pulses with integer quantum flux, the two timescales match each other. In this case, the charged quasiparticles are levitons, which are injected with a single period T. For pulses with fractional quantum flux, the two timescales mismatch. The charged quasiparticles can then be injected in a multiperiodic way. This makes each quasiparticle carry only a fractional electric charge into the quantum conductor within a single period T. These quasiparticles can have pronounced impact on the charge injection. In particular, they can lead to the cycle-missing event, in which the voltage pulse fails to inject an electron within a single period T. The cycle-missing event can be seen intuitively from the waiting time distribution between electrons above the Fermi sea, which exhibits a series of peaks at multiples of the period T. By using the wave functions of the charged quasiparticles, we elucidate in detail how a leviton evolves as the flux of the pulse changes. In the meantime, we also clarify how additional eh pairs can be excited.



众所周知,具有整数量子通量的洛伦兹电压脉冲可以在没有电子-空穴对的情况下注入带整数电荷的波包。波包由费米海顶部的孤立子状准粒子组成,它们被命名为“悬浮子”。然而,尚不清楚具有分数量子通量的洛伦兹脉冲可以注入什么样的带电准粒子。为了回答这个问题,我们研究了一系列具有重复周期的洛伦兹脉冲注入的波包. 我们引入了一组单体波函数,其中带电准粒子的量子态可以描述为具有任意量子通量的脉冲。我们发现在一般情况下,带电准粒子的注入具有两种不同的时间尺度:一种由重复周期决定 的脉冲串,而另一个是 通过与脉冲通量相关的因子重新缩放。对于具有整数量子通量的脉冲,两个时间尺度相互匹配。在这种情况下,带电的准粒子是浮子,以单个周期注入. 对于具有分数量子通量的脉冲,两个时间尺度不匹配。然后可以以多周期方式注入带电准粒子。这使得每个准粒子在单个周期内只携带一个分数电荷进入量子导体. 这些准粒子会对电荷注入产生显着影响。特别是,它们可能导致循环缺失事件,其中电压脉冲未能在单个周期内注入电子. 从费米海上方电子之间的等待时间分布可以直观地看出漏周期事件,其在周期的倍数处表现出一系列峰值. 通过使用带电准粒子的波函数,我们详细阐明了悬浮体如何随着脉冲通量的变化而演化。同时,我们还澄清了如何额外电子H 对可以兴奋。