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The true story of Newtonian gravity
American Journal of Physics ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1119/10.0003535
Eugene Hecht 1

Physics textbooks generally present the equation for universal gravitation as if it sprang fully formed from the head of Isaac Newton, which it most certainly did not. This analysis traces the development of Classical/Newtonian gravity as it evolved from Aristotle to Copernicus to Kepler, Horrocks, Roberval, Boulliau, Baliani, Borelli, Hooke, Halley, Wren, Newton, and Cavendish, and then finally on to C. V. Boys and J. H. Poynting. By focusing on the evolution of the underlying physics, we unfold a fascinating story that has never quite been told before, one we hope will provide insights useful in the classroom.



物理教科书通常将万有引力方程呈现为完全由艾萨克·牛顿的头部形成,但它肯定不是。该分析追溯了古典/牛顿引力的发展,从亚里士多德到哥白尼再到开普勒、霍洛克斯、罗伯瓦尔、布利奥、巴利亚尼、博雷利、胡克、哈雷、雷恩、牛顿和卡文迪什,最后到 CV Boys 和 JH坡印亭。通过关注基础物理学的演变,我们展开了一个以前从未被完全讲述过的引人入胜的故事,我们希望这个故事能提供对课堂有用的见解。