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Veracity in Special Education
Exceptionality ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1080/09362835.2021.1938066
James M. Kauffman 1 , George Farkas 2


Beliefs may be described as Type A, scientific and verifiable (objective), or Type B, not verifiable and personal (subjective). Type B might be considered subjective opinion, something other than empirically confirmed, objective truth. Nevertheless, Type B is asserted as truth by some and can be valued over Type A. Both kinds of belief are important in special education, and both have advantages and disadvantages. When Type A belief is available, it must be given precedence over Type B for informing and determining public policies and for choosing special education interventions. Unjust treatment of disabilities, including children with exceptionalities, is one predictable consequence of ignoring Type A belief, although it is also possible for injustice to be the result of ignoring Type B.




信念可以被描述为 A 型,科学和可验证(客观),或 B 型,不可验证和个人(主观)。B型可能被认为是主观意见,不是经验证实的客观真理。尽管如此,B 型被一些人断言为真理,并且比 A 型更有价值。这两种信念在特殊教育中都很重要,并且都有优点和缺点。当 A 型信念可用时,它必须优先于 B 型来告知和确定公共政策以及选择特殊教育干预措施。对残疾的不公正待遇,包括有特殊情况的儿童,是忽视 A 型信念的一个可预见的后果,尽管不公正也可能是忽视 B 型信念的结果。
