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The Unclothed Body On and Off Stage in the Comedia Nueva
Bulletin of the Comediantes Pub Date : 2021-06-22
Jonathan Thacker


This article examines the presence of the unclothed body in the comedia nueva, both when it appears on stage and when it is referred to off stage. It begins with a brief examination of what desnudez actually meant in practical terms in the corral theaters (and moralists' responses to states of undress). The study goes on to analyze in more detail some of the main implications and resonances of nakedness in the minds of Golden Age audiences. These are important for characterization, including the establishment of a character's poverty, madness, or vulnerability; for dramatists' attempts to establish time and place; and, above all, because of the eroticism of the unclothed body which is linked to pictorial traditions. Examples are taken from full-length comedias by a variety of playwrights, supplemented with the exploration of analogous motifs in seventeenth-century visual culture, to highlight its role in helping the audience imagine these scenes.




这篇文章考察了新喜剧中裸体的存在,无论是在舞台上出现时,还是在舞台外被提及时。首先简要检查desnudez畜栏中的实际含义剧院(以及道德家对脱衣状态的反应)。该研究继续更详细地分析了黄金时代观众心目中裸体的一些主要影响和共鸣。这些对于角色塑造很重要,包括确定角色的贫困、疯狂或脆弱性;戏剧家试图确定时间和地点;最重要的是,由于与绘画传统相关的裸体的色情。示例取自各种剧作家的长篇喜剧,并辅以对 17 世纪视觉文化中类似主题的探索,以突出其在帮助观众想象这些场景方面的作用。
