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Radicals in Exile: English Catholic Books during the Reign of Philip II by Freddy Cristóbal Domínguez (review)
Bulletin of the Comediantes Pub Date : 2021-06-22
Kelsey J. Ihinger

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Radicals in Exile: English Catholic Books during the Reign of Philip II by Freddy Cristóbal Domínguez
  • Kelsey J. Ihinger
Freddy Cristóbal Domínguez. Radicals in Exile: English Catholic Books during the Reign of Philip II. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UP, 2020. 264 PP.

WHEN CONSIDERING ANGLO-SPANISH RELATIONS, the early modern historian will likely think immediately of Spain's infamous Gran Armada (1588) or perhaps of Prince Charles's clandestine visit to Madrid in his attempt to wed the Spanish infanta (1623). Literary scholars may point to Thomas Middleton's A Game at Chess (1624) or Cervantes's "La española inglesa" (1613). Yet these moments of political and textual connection scratch only at the surface of the complex, multinational relations that brought Spain and England together in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Radicals in Exile sheds light within the depths of these relations, demonstrating the profound connections that had real impact on the politics of Spain during the reign of Philip II.

This book follows other recent publications that highlight the significance of Anglo–Spanish relations in early modern Europe, but Domínguez traces the lineage of his work directly back to Albert J. Loomie's The Spanish Elizabethans: The English Exiles at the Court of Philip II (Fordham UP, 1963). As Domínguez states, his work follows Loomie's both in terms of its primary actors and its historiographical aim to separate the study of English Catholics from the "stubborn dynamics of national and confessional historiography" (12). Domínguez's book does indeed illustrate the significance of extending our consideration of early modern history beyond national borders, making a powerful argument for a transnational understanding of the period. He additionally furthers Loomie's work by expanding upon the latter's definition of Spanish Elizabethans: for Domínguez, they are not merely English Catholics who lived in Spain but those who "played a role in Spanish political culture" (8). This role was active and adaptable, and it made its impact through the circulation of texts both in manuscript and print in the final decades of Philip II's reign.

Within the introduction, Domínguez defines his key terms and places the English Catholics he studies within their historical context. He is interested specifically in the years between 1585, when Spain began preparations for the Armada, and 1598, when Philip II died. Since Philip's ascension to the Portuguese throne in 1580, tensions between Spain and England had begun to rise, yet Spain remained perpetually undecided between action [End Page 171] and inaction. Philip II was reticent to intervene militarily against Elizabeth's Protestant regime. It was this indecision that English Catholic exiles sought to upset. Spain's intervention against English heresy took on both political and messianic dimensions, and Domínguez argues that it was thanks to Spanish Elizabethans' efforts that action was taken during Philip's reign. In his discussion of the public sphere, Domínguez underscores the strategies that Spanish Elizabethans employed to promote Philip's intervention. The authors he studies shared a desire to speak to, influence, and at times create a public that favored their goal: "the (spiritual) reconquest of England" (16).

As Domínguez describes it, this shared goal—with "(spiritual)" and "reconquest" separated by not insignificant parentheses—points to one of the central dichotomies his study examines. The English Catholic authors of this book straddled the space between the spiritual and the political. They had to maintain the religious tenants of their mission to re-Catholicize England while also advocating for overt political action by their allies, in this case Philip II. At the same time, these authors were unafraid to walk the line between praise and critique when adapting their message to the needs of the specific historical and political environments in which they wrote. Ultimately, Radicals in Exile reveals "the extent to which Spanish Elizabethan narratives profoundly affected the Spanish mind-set" (208–09).

Domínguez studies the impact of Spanish Elizabethan narratives in three separate "kinds of textual interventions" made by English Catholics during the years in question, each corresponding to a different part of the book: part 1 explores texts used to "affect behavior," part 2...


流亡中的激进分子:腓力二世统治时期的英国天主教书籍,弗雷迪·克里斯托瓦尔·多明格斯(Freddy Cristóbal Domínguez)(评论)



  • 流亡中的激进分子:腓力二世统治时期的英国天主教书籍,弗雷迪·克里斯托瓦尔·多明格斯 (Freddy Cristóbal Domínguez)
  • 凯尔西·J·伊辛格
弗雷迪·克里斯托瓦尔·多明格斯。流放中的激进分子:菲利普二世统治时期的英国天主教书籍。宾夕法尼亚州,2020 年。264 页。

当考虑到英西关系时,早期的现代历史学家可能会立即想到西班牙臭名昭著的大无敌舰队(1588 年),或者可能会想到查尔斯王子试图与西班牙婴儿结婚的秘密访问马德里(1623 年)。文学学者可能会提到 Thomas Middleton 的A Game at Chess(1624)或 Cervantes 的“La española inglesa”(1613)。然而,这些政治和文本联系的时刻只触及了 16 和 17 世纪将西班牙和英国结合在一起的复杂的多国关系的表面。流亡中的激进分子揭示了这些关系的深处,展示了菲利普二世统治期间对西班牙政治产生真正影响的深刻联系。

本书遵循其他近期出版的出版物,这些出版物强调了早期现代欧洲的英西关系的重要性,但多明格斯将他的作品的谱系直接追溯到阿尔伯特·J·卢米 (Albert J. Loomie) 的《西班牙伊丽莎白一世:菲利普二世宫廷的英国流亡者》(The Spanish Elizabethans: The English Exiles at the Court of Philip II)(福特汉姆,1963 年)。正如多明格斯所说,他的作品在主要演员和史学目标方面都遵循卢米的作品,将英国天主教徒的研究与“民族和忏悔史学的顽固动力”分开(12)。多明格斯的书确实说明了将我们对早期现代历史的考虑扩展到国界之外的重要性,为对该时期的跨国理解提供了有力的论据。他还进一步扩展了 Loomie 对西班牙伊丽莎白时代的定义对于多明格斯来说,他们不仅是生活在西班牙的英国天主教徒,而且是“在西班牙政治文化中发挥作用的人”(8)。这一角色活跃且适应性强,在菲利普二世统治的最后几十年通过手稿和印刷文本的流通产生了影响。

在引言中,多明格斯定义了他的关键术语,并将他研究的英国天主教徒置于他们的历史背景中。他对 1585 年西班牙开始筹备无敌舰队和 1598 年菲利普二世去世之间的岁月特别感兴趣。自从菲利普于 1580 年登上葡萄牙王位以来,西班牙和英国之间的紧张局势开始升温,但西班牙始终犹豫不决[End Page 171]和不作为。菲利普二世不愿对伊丽莎白的新教政权进行军事干预。正是这种犹豫不决,英国天主教流亡者试图打乱。西班牙对英国异端的干预具有政治和弥赛亚两个层面,多明格斯认为,正是由于西班牙伊丽莎白女王的努力,菲利普统治期间才采取行动。在他对公共领域的讨论中,多明格斯强调了西班牙伊丽莎白女王为促进菲利普的干预而采用的策略。他研究的作者都渴望与公众交谈、影响并有时创造一个支持他们目标的公众:“(精神上的)重新征服英格兰”(16)。

正如 Domínguez 所描述的,这个共同的目标——“(精神)”和“重新征服”由非无关紧要的括号分隔——指向他的研究检查的中心二分法之一。这本书的英国天主教作者跨越了精神和政治之间的空间。他们必须维持他们重新天主教化英格兰的使命的宗教租户,同时还主张他们的盟友(在这种情况下是菲利普二世)采取公开的政治行动。与此同时,这些作者在根据他们写作的特定历史和政治环境的需要调整他们的信息时,并不害怕在赞扬和批评之间徘徊。最终,流亡中的激进分子揭示了“西班牙伊丽莎白时代的叙事对西班牙心态的影响程度”

多明格斯研究了英国天主教徒在这些年中所做的三种不同文本干预”中西班牙伊丽莎白时代叙事的影响,每一种都对应于本书的不同部分:第 1 部分探讨了用于“影响行为”的文本,第 2 部分...
