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Fantasmas de la ciencia española by Juan Pimentel (review)
Bulletin of the Comediantes Pub Date : 2021-06-22
Jaime Marroquín Arredondo

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Fantasmas de la ciencia española by Juan Pimentel
  • Jaime Marroquín Arredondo
Juan Pimentel. Fantasmas de la ciencia española. MARCIAL PONS, 2020. 416 PP.

JUAN PIMENTEL PRESENTS US with a panoramic history of Spanish science, from the early sixteenth century to the present. Its leitmotif is an understanding of science as a ghostly and haunting activity in the context of Spanish culture, where science has been underrepresented and lacking in national and international recognition despite the abundant achievements of scientists from Spain over the centuries. To illustrate his argument, Pimentel makes good use of some of the most impressive scientific accomplishments in the history of Spain and Hispanic America. Chapter 1, "Espectro y avistamiento del Mar del Sur," studies the so-called discovery of the Pacific Ocean by Vasco Núñez de Balboa (1475–1519) and the subsequent first cartographic representation of the Americas' Pacific coast: the Carta portulana representando el Mar del Sur (1518), a cartographic milestone Pimentel finds "haunted" by the "ghosts" of the extinct Cueva people, particularly Ponquiaco, main cacique of the Panamanian coast; these Amerindian spectral presences accompany the "ghosts" of the Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian experts who helped demarcate and imagine a coast that included Dabaiba, a mythical golden city precursor of the most famous El Dorado.

If native people of Darién and Veragua were responsible for a great deal of the geographical information gathered by the Núñez de Balboa expedition, the Indigenous presence in early modern Spanish science is even more haunting in the work of doctor Francisco Hernández de Toledo (ca. 1515–87). The author of the Historia natural de Nueva España is, along with Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852–1934), the most famous of all Spanish men of science. Hernández tackled the unimaginable task of updating, perfecting, and completing the Natural History of Pliny with a natural history of the New World. In chapter 2, "Naturalezas de otro mundo," Pimentel relates Hernandez's massive project to an equally gigantic enterprise: the gathering of reliable geographical and naturalist information about Spain's overseas possessions by the Council of Indies in the 1570s. The most visible result of these efforts is the well-known Relaciones Geográficas de Indias (1579–85), of which Pimentel provides a beautiful example: the mestizo map of the Zapotec town of Macuilxochitl, where Indigenous informants provided the immense majority of the knowledge displayed, including their consciousness of the ecological changes brought about by Spanish presence in their lands. The [End Page 179] polyphonic knowledge included in the Relaciones de Indias and in Hernández's natural history became a ghostly presence in early modern science accounts as neither of these two massive works sponsored by the Council of Indies would be published for centuries. Nevertheless—and despite the tragic loss of all of its colored illustrations—the work of Hernández had considerable influence in the development of early modern natural history through new processes of selection, translation, appropriation, and misappropriation.

In chapter 3, "La mirada del ángel," Pimentel dissects some of the interconnections between the emerging field of microscopic medicine and its artistic representation using techniques and conventions common to the Spanish baroque. Among the distinctive qualities of the famous Golden Age of Spanish arts are a refined retrenchment into an orthodox Catholic culture and an accompanying literary disenchantment with the vain concerns of this world. The baroque thus promoted a profoundly moral vision of the world, even at the dawn of "el irremediable ascenso de la tecnología y el materialismo" (137). Such a view remained an intrinsic part of cutting-edge scientific achievements such as the impressive Atlas anatómico (ca. 1689) of Crisóstomo Martínez (1638–ca. 1694), where masterful macroscopic and microscopic images of human bones documenting their growth are accompanied by common moral symbols of life and death, or sin. Like the majority of baroque art, this moralized anatomy helped sustain the Spanish political body. Pimentel demonstrates how a common way of coupling the emerging microscopic view of nature with the all-encompassing Catholic view of the world was through the analogy of the angel's gaze, capable of seeing both the...


Fantasmas de la ciencia española by Juan Pimentel(评论)



  • 胡安·皮门特尔《西班牙科学幻想曲》
  • 海梅·马罗金·阿雷东多
胡安·皮门特尔。西班牙科学幻想曲。马歇尔·庞斯,2020 年。416 页。

JUAN PIMENTEL向我们展示了西班牙科学的全景历史,从 16 世纪初到现在。它的主旨是将科学理解为西班牙文化背景下的一种幽灵般的、令人难以忘怀的活动,尽管几个世纪以来西班牙科学家取得了丰硕的成就,但在西班牙文化中,科学的代表性不足,缺乏国家和国际认可。为了说明他的论点,皮门特尔充分利用了西班牙和西班牙裔美国历史上一些最令人印象深刻的科学成就。第 1 章,“Espectro y avistamiento del Mar del Sur”,研究了 Vasco Núñez de Balboa(1475-1519 年)对太平洋的所谓发现,以及随后对美洲太平洋海岸的首次制图:Carta portulanarepresentando el Mar del Sur(1518 年),皮门特尔发现已灭绝的奎瓦人的“鬼魂”“出没”,特别是巴拿马海岸的主要酋长庞基亚科,这是一个制图里程碑;这些美洲印第安人的幽灵伴随着西班牙、葡萄牙和意大利专家的“幽灵”,他们帮助划定和想象了一个海岸,其中包括 Dabaiba,这是最著名的埃尔多拉多的神话金色城市前身。

如果 Núñez de Balboa 探险队收集到的大量地理信息由达连和维拉瓜的土著人负责,那么在现代西班牙科学早期的土著人的存在中,弗朗西斯科·埃尔南德斯·德·托莱多 (Francisco Hernández de Toledo) 博士(约 1515 –87)。Historia natural de Nueva España的作者与 Santiago Ramón y Cajal(1852-1934 年)一起,是西班牙所有科学家中最著名的人。埃尔南德斯解决了更新、完善和完成自然历史的难以想象的任务普林尼与新世界的自然历史。在第 2 章“自然世界”中,皮门特尔将埃尔南德斯的庞大计划与一项同样巨大的事业联系起来:1570 年代印度委员会收集有关西班牙海外属地的可靠地理和自然主义信息。这些努力最明显的结果是著名的Relaciones Geográficas de Indias(1579-85 年),其中皮门特尔提供了一个很好的例子:萨波特克镇 Macuilxochitl 的混血地图,其中土著线人提供了绝大多数知识显示,包括他们意识到西班牙人在他们的土地上的存在所带来的生态变化。的[尾页179]包括在和弦知识Relaciones de Indias和 Hernández 的自然史在早期现代科学记载中变成了幽灵般的存在,因为这两个由印度委员会赞助的巨著都不会出版几个世纪。尽管如此——尽管其所有彩色插图都悲惨地丢失了——埃尔南德斯的作品通过选择、翻译、挪用和挪用的新过程对早期现代自然史的发展产生了相当大的影响。

在第 3 章“La mirada del ángel ”中,皮门特尔使用西班牙巴洛克风格中常见的技术和惯例剖析了新兴的微观医学领域与其艺术表现之间的一些相互联系。著名的西班牙艺术黄金时代的独特品质包括对正统天主教文化的精打细算,以及伴随着对这个世界徒劳无功的关注的文学幻灭。因此,即使在“el不可修复的ascenso de la tecnología y el materialismo”(137)的黎明时期,巴洛克风格也促进了对世界的深刻道德观。这种观点仍然是尖端科学成就的内在组成部分,例如令人印象深刻的阿特拉斯解剖学(ca. 1689) of Crisóstomo Martínez (1638–ca. 1694),其中记录其生长的人类骨骼的精湛宏观和微观图像伴随着生与死或罪的共同道德象征。像大多数巴洛克艺术一样,这种道德化的解剖结构有助于维持西班牙的政治机构。皮门特尔展示了如何将新兴的微观自然观与包罗万象的天主教世界观相结合的一种常见方式是通过类比天使的凝视,能够同时看到...
