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Household Factors Forcing Women to Accept Domestic Violence in Pakistan
Violence and Gender ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-01 , DOI: 10.1089/vio.2020.0073
Naeem Akram 1

World Health Organization has estimated that approximately one out of every third woman experienced some form of violence during their lifetime. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, domestic violence is accepted by the society in general and within a marriage, partner violence is considered normal behavior. This study attempts to analyze the impact of different socioeconomic factors on women's acceptance of domestic violence. In this regard, data of Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2017–2018 are used and logit models are estimated. Study finds that educated women, married to an educated husband, having better access to media, married above the age of 18, having job/working, belonging to a wealthy family, and having autonomy in decision making, are relatively more likely to reject domestic violence. The study concludes that women's education, awareness, and financial position are the key elements in minimizing women's acceptance of domestic violence. However, having children and married within a family increase women's acceptability of domestic violence. The study is unable to find any significant impact of her relationship with household head, age, and living in urban areas.



世界卫生组织估计,大约三分之一的妇女在其一生中经历过某种形式的暴力。不幸的是,在巴基斯坦,家庭暴力被社会普遍接受,在婚姻中,伴侣暴力被视为正常行为。本研究试图分析不同社会经济因素对女性接受家庭暴力的影响。在这方面,使用了 2017-2018 年巴基斯坦人口与健康调查的数据并估计了 logit 模型。研究发现,受过教育的女性、与受过教育的丈夫结婚、更容易接触媒体、结婚 18 岁以上、有工作/工作、属于富裕家庭、拥有决策自主权,相对更可能拒绝家庭暴力。该研究得出的结论是,妇女的教育、意识和财务状况是尽量减少妇女接受家庭暴力的关键因素。然而,在家庭中生育和结婚会增加妇女对家庭暴力的接受度。该研究无法发现她与户主、年龄和居住在城市地区的关系有任何显着影响。